Project WET Facilitators’ Training
Location: Three Valleys Municipal Water District, Claremont
Sponsored By: Water Education Foundation; Three Valleys Municipal Water District & U.S. Geological Survey, California Water Science Center
Registration Deadline: Friday, January 22, 2016
Register: Please contact Brian Brown, California Project WET Coordinator at (916) 444-6240 or if you are interested in becoming a Project WET Facilitator.
Description: The Water Education Foundation and Three Valleys Municipal Water District invite water education outreach coordinators and educators experienced in providing school professional development to join the network of California Project WET Workshop providers. By completing this training, participants will be certified to provide workshops on the Project WET Guide 2.0 as Project WET Facilitators and will be expected to promote or participate in leading at least one Project WET workshop per year.
The Facilitator training will focus on the use of Project WET activities as teacher professional development and education outreach tools, including the use of Project WET to support the teaching of Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards, EEI (Education & the Environment Initiative) curriculum units and to engage students in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) education.
This event will provide you with the opportunity to network with educators and outreach staff engaged in regional water education efforts. A light continental breakfast and lunch will be provided!