Follow the Water Education Foundation on Social Media
You can keep up to date with events, tours and other comings and goings of the Water Education Foundation through social media.
We use our Twitter account @WaterEdFdn to keep you posted on our upcoming events and tours, and the top water stories from our week-day news aggregate known as Aquafornia. We also tweet and retweet breaking news throughout the day.
On our Facebook page, we post information about upcoming events and tours and keep it a little fun by posting pictures from those events. We also post our “weekend water read” on a key water issue. Our LinkedIn page also notes our upcoming events.
If you’d like to get our weekday morning emails on the top water news from around the state and the West, click here to sign up for Aquafornia.
We use our social media accounts to help more people keep abreast of developing water issues. So follow us, like us and stay in touch with us one way or the other!