… Tayaba, who also serves as the tribe’s director of
traditional ecological knowledge, has become a prominent voice
in the fight for equitable water management and the
preservation of tribal cultural practices. … The Shingle
Springs Band of Miwok Indians, traditionally fishing people
along the Sacramento and American rivers, have been actively
involved in legal challenges against state water policies they
believe are detrimental to Delta ecosystems. Under
Tayaba’s leadership, the tribe sponsored Assembly Bill 2614,
which aimed to add tribal cultural uses of water to the state
water code.
Discussions among Kern County agricultural water districts on
whether to continue funding the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP)
are ramping up. … Kern ag district participation is key
to helping pay for the $20 billion project, as the districts,
collectively, make up the second largest contractor on the
State Water Project, at nearly 1 million acre feet per year.
The contract is held by the Kern County Water Agency on behalf
of 13 local ag districts. The Metropolitan Water District of
Southern California is the SWP’s largest contractor. MWD
recently agreed to pay its share of $141 million of $300
million the Department of Water Resources needs to begin the
planning and preconstruction phase of the project. The state is
waiting to hear whether Kern districts will pay their $33
million share.
From ducks and cranes to giant garter snakes and salmon,
flooded rice fields in California’s Central Valley offer
important — often vital — habitat to many wildlife species. Yet
uncertainties around crop markets, water and climate can prompt
some growers to fallow rice fields or change their management
practices. Will today’s rice acreage under current practices be
enough to meet key species’ needs? If not, how much rice is
needed? Where should it be planted? And what management
practices offer the greatest benefit for species of
concern? Scientists from the University of California,
Davis, and Point Blue Conservation Science address these
questions in a new report, “A Conservation Footprint for
California Rice,” written for the California Rice
Federal wildlife officials are promoting a unique strategy to
help eliminate nutria, the pesky critters that have invaded
California’s Delta: Eat ’em. Turns out that nutria, a giant
rodent that looks like an outsized guinea pig, can be a
mouth-watering entree. “Their meat is lean, mild and tastes
like rabbit,” the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says, urging
the consumption of nutria and four other bothersome invasive
species. Nutrias have been particularly troublesome in the
Delta because they can reproduce quickly and are tearing up the
marshlands. A single female can birth up to 200 offspring in a
year, and their burrowing causes erosion of riverbanks. Plus,
they have a voracious appetite. A single nutria can consume up
to 25% of its body weight in vegetation a day.
In the winter, rice fields in the Sacramento region are flooded
with water. It’s a common method to prepare the field for new
growth. With the help of a program led by California Trout,
some farmers have opted to start flushing that water into the
Sacramento River as a way to aid winter-run Chinook
salmon. Researchers have found that this water is rich
with zooplankton (sometimes referred to as “bugs”), which is a
main source of food for young salmon. As the species’
population struggles in the face of impacts from human
development and shrinking habitats, researchers say access to
this water source could help them thrive.
The San Joaquin River, just along the City of Fresno, offers
recreation and a getaway from city life. But it also provides
another crucial resource: gravel. The multinational company
Cemex is proposing to dig deeper for the resource, but
community residents are trying to stop the project. Today, we
speak with Sharon Weaver from the San Joaquin River Parkway and
Conservation Trust about the concerns she and others have about
the proposal.
… (The) San Francisco Chronicle (reported) on Feb. 6 that
the federal government was looking to not renew funding for the
lab after its current round expires on Friday. While sources
close to UC Davis are confident of a new contract being signed
with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, that hadn’t happened as of
press time. … (Nann Fangue, a professor and chair of the
Department of Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology at UC
Davis) dismisses the notion that Trump is to blame for the
FCCL facility facing the threat of losing its funding,
suggesting instead that it’s just normal contract
State and federal agencies plan to deliver more water to
California farms and cities following recent storms that
brought rain and snow and boosted reservoir levels. Cities in
Southern California and other agencies that depend on water
delivered from Northern California via the State Water Project
are projected to receive 35% of requested water supplies, up
from an estimated 20% last month, the state Department of Water
Resources said Tuesday. In a similar announcement, the federal
Bureau of Reclamation said agricultural irrigation districts
south of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta are expected to
receive 35% of their full contract amounts from the federal
Central Valley Project — more than double the 15% they were
allocated at this time last year.
Governor Gavin Newsom’s campaign to build the Delta Tunnel
amped up on Feb. 19 when the Governor sent a letter to the
State Water Resources Control Board claiming that the
petition to amend water rights permits to accommodate the
proposed Delta Conveyance Project, AKA Delta Tunnel, would
be in the “compelling public interest.” The Delta Tribal
Environmental Coalition (DTEC) quickly responded to the
Governor’s Letter, disputing Newsom’s claims that the Delta
Tunnel would be in the public interest — and would instead
further destroy a sensitive Bay-Delta ecosystem that has
already been decimated by massive water diversions, driving
Central Valley salmon and Delta fish populations closer and
closer to extinction.
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is
looking to lease 1,361 acres on a district-owned island in
the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta for rice farming. A
request for proposals has been released by the giant water
district, which is in partnership with the state on the Delta
Water Conveyance Project.
Governor Newsom announced (Feb. 14) another important step in
the state’s work to modernize its water infrastructure through
the Delta Conveyance Project. Passing yet another critical
milestone, the project received a required Incidental Take
Permit. The permit includes measures to minimize, avoid,
and fully mitigate impacts on threatened or endangered species
as a result of the construction, operation, and maintenance of
the Delta Conveyance Project.
A new aquatic invader, the golden mussel, has penetrated
California’s ecologically fragile Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta,
the West Coast’s largest tidal estuary and the hub of the
state’s vast water export system. While state officials say
they’re working to keep this latest invasive species in check,
they concede it may be a nearly impossible task: The golden
mussel is in the Golden State to stay – and it is likely to
A new aquatic invader, the golden mussel, has penetrated California’s ecologically fragile Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the West Coast’s largest tidal estuary and the hub of the state’s vast water export system. While state officials say they’re working to keep this latest invasive species in check, they concede it may be a nearly impossible task: The golden mussel is in the Golden State to stay – and it is likely to spread.
… The Department has established a proposed revenue bond
financing to finance the cost and expense of the environmental
review, planning, engineering and design, and if and when
appropriate, the acquisition and construction of Delta water
conveyance facilities. … Any interested person may appear and
contest a validation action, subject to specific time limits
and procedural requirements. In the Department’s validation
proceeding, interested persons must appear, in conformance with
applicable legal and procedural requirements, not later than
March 25, 2025.
With about six weeks to go before the government shuts down,
House Republicans are still bickering over how best to spend
taxpayer dollars. But representatives were able to come
together on one thing: finding money for the war on nutria. The
U.S. House voted 361-56 late Tuesday night to continue the $60
million Nutria Eradication and Control Reauthorization Act
until 2030. It’s a bipartisan cause that is bigger than just
Louisiana. California nutria recently have migrated into
food-producing areas along the San Joaquin River.
On January 23, 2025, the Delta Stewardship Council (Council)
adopted a 33-page decision (“Decision” or “D20242”) regarding
the California Department of Water Resources’ (DWR)
Certification of Consistency (Certification) with the Delta
Plan pertaining to a small subset of geotechnical activities
that form part of the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP). … In
its Decision, the Council presented its opinion and conclusion
that, notwithstanding the Sacramento County Superior Court’s
(Court) statutory interpretation to the contrary, the
Legislature did not intend to incorporate the California
Environmental Quality Act’s (CEQA) “whole of an action”
anti-piecemealing concept when the Legislature defined a
“covered action” under the Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta Reform Act of 2009.
Let’s start with the picture that is currently being imagined
when folks talk about the Colorado River and its
water. It starts with snowpack in the Rocky
Mountains, two-thirds of which originates right here in the
western slope of Colorado and ends up with cities and farmers
along the way taking water out of the river so that it’s dry
before it even reaches the sea. One of the solutions being
touted to date is simply to pay farmers to use less water.
There is, of course, a lot cities can also do to increase water
efficiency and reuse waste water, but all of these solutions
center around using less. A necessary hardship, yes,
but perhaps an incomplete picture. It’s like only looking at
the water when it’s in its liquid form, and forgetting that the
other half of the Colorado River is in the atmosphere, coming
from the oceans and recirculating through vegetation on land.
Greater sandhill cranes are one of the oldest species in
California, at an estimated 2.5 million years old. Yet they
face an uncertain future in our rapidly changing landscape. The
sandhill crane is listed as threatened under the California
Endangered Species Act, primarily because of the loss of
suitable breeding habitat, and the continued loss of winter
foraging areas. Wetlands are a key habitat and in a state with
increasing droughts, more intense wildfires and shrinking
freshwater supply should be a priority for humans, too.
The Department of Water Resources yesterday filed a petition
with the State Water Resources Control Board to extend the
timeframe to maximize its existing water rights. This is an
important component of meeting the State’s climate change
preparedness goals and the potential to develop additional
storage of water and would help support virtually every major
water initiative underway. These include California’s Water
Supply Strategy: Adapting to a Hotter, Drier Future, the
Department’s Climate Adaptation Plan, the Healthy Rivers and
Landscapes Program, the state’s water quality control plan, and
all efforts for water reliability in and through the Delta.
… In an interview aired Wednesday night, Trump said he may
withhold aid to California until the state adjusts how it
manages its scarce water resources. He falsely claimed that
California’s fish conservation efforts in the northern part of
the state are responsible for fire hydrants running
dry in urban areas. … Several California
representatives agreed that the federal government must guard
against the misuse of funds but argued that the money should
not be held up or saddled with restrictions not placed on other
states after tornadoes and hurricanes. The dilemma played out
in social media posts by Republican Rep. Ken Calvert, who
narrowly prevailed in November in his swing district
east of Los Angeles. “Californians are entitled to receive
federal disaster assistance in the same manner as all
Americans,” he wrote on X. But, he quickly added, “Some federal
policy changes may be needed to expedite rebuilding as well as
improve future wildfire prevention. Those kind of policies are
not conditions.”
It’s the most frustrating part of conservation. To save water,
you rip out your lawn, shorten your shower time, collect
rainwater for the flowers and stop washing the car. Your water
use plummets. And for all that trouble, your water supplier
raises your rates. Why? Because everyone is using so much less
that the agency is losing money. That’s the dynamic in
play with Southern California’s massive wholesaler, the
Metropolitan Water District, despite full reservoirs after two
of history’s wettest winters. … Should water users be
happy about these increases? The answer is a counterintuitive
“yes.” Costs would be higher and water scarcer in the future
without modest hikes now.
Partners have pulled together to support the recovery of
endangered Sacramento winter-run Chinook salmon in the last few
years. However, the species still faces threats from climate
change and other factors. That is the conclusion of an
Endangered Species Act review that NOAA Fisheries completed for
the native California species. It once returned in great
numbers to the tributaries of the Sacramento River and
supported local tribes. The review concluded that the species
remains endangered, and identified key recovery actions to help
the species survive climate change. While partners have taken
steps to protect winter-run Chinook salmon, blocked habitat,
altered flows, and higher temperatures continue to threaten
their survival.
The Water Education Foundation has
unveiled an
interactive online tour of the Sacramento-San
Joaquin Delta that offers viewers and readers a broad overview of
the heart of California water – its history and development, its
importance as an ecological resource and water hub and the array
of challenges it faces.
Titled “Exploring the Heart of California Water,” the online
tour, built as a story map, guides readers and viewers through
different facets of the Delta. It includes the Delta’s history
and the people – including the Native American tribes – who have
lived there, the fish and wildlife that depend on its waters and
its role as a crossroads for federal, state and local water
In the vast labyrinth of the West
Coast’s largest freshwater tidal estuary, one native fish species
has never been so rare. Once uncountably numerous, the Delta
smelt was placed on state and federal endangered species lists in
1993, stopped appearing in most annual sampling surveys in 2016,
and is now, for all practical purposes, extinct in the wild. At
least, it was.
When you oversee the largest
supplier of treated water in the United States, you tend to think
Jeff Kightlinger, general manager of the Metropolitan Water
District of Southern California for the last 15 years, has
focused on diversifying his agency’s water supply and building
security through investment. That means looking beyond MWD’s
borders to ensure the reliable delivery of water to two-thirds of
California’s population.
This beautifully illustrated 24×36-inch poster, suitable for
framing and display in any office or classroom, highlights the
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, its place as a center of
farming, its importance as an ecological resource and its
vital role in California’s water supply system.
The text, photos and graphics explain issues related to land
subsidence, levees and flooding, urbanization, farming, fish and
wildlife protection. An inset map illustrates the tidal action
that increases the salinity of the Delta’s waterways.
Radically transformed from its ancient origin as a vast tidal-influenced freshwater marsh, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ecosystem is in constant flux, influenced by factors within the estuary itself and the massive watersheds that drain though it into the Pacific Ocean.
Lately, however, scientists say the rate of change has kicked into overdrive, fueled in part by climate change, and is limiting the ability of science and Delta water managers to keep up. The rapid pace of upheaval demands a new way of conducting science and managing water in the troubled estuary.
Voluntary agreements in California
have been touted as an innovative and flexible way to improve
environmental conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
and the rivers that feed it. The goal is to provide river flows
and habitat for fish while still allowing enough water to be
diverted for farms and cities in a way that satisfies state
Deep, throaty cadenced calls —
sounding like an off-key bassoon — echo over the grasslands,
farmers’ fields and wetlands starting in late September of each
year. They mark the annual return of sandhill cranes to the
Cosumnes River Preserve,
46,000 acres located 20 miles south of Sacramento on the edge of
the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Registration opens today for the
Water Education Foundation’s 36th annual Water
Summit, set for Oct. 30 in Sacramento. This year’s
theme, Water Year 2020: A Year of Reckoning,
reflects fast-approaching deadlines for the State Groundwater
Management Act as well as the pressing need for new approaches to
water management as California and the West weather intensified
flooding, fire and drought. To register for this can’t-miss
event, visit our Water Summit
event page.
Registration includes a full day of discussions by leading
stakeholders and policymakers on key issues, as well as coffee,
materials, gourmet lunch and an outdoor reception by the
Sacramento River that will offer the opportunity to network with
speakers and other attendees. The summit also features a silent
auction to benefit our Water Leaders program featuring
items up for bid such as kayaking trips, hotel stays and lunches
with key people in the water world.
Summer is a good time to take a
break, relax and enjoy some of the great beaches, waterways and
watersheds around California and the West. We hope you’re getting
a chance to do plenty of that this July.
But in the weekly sprint through work, it’s easy to miss
some interesting nuggets you might want to read. So while we’re
taking a publishing break to work on other water articles planned
for later this year, we want to help you catch up on
Western Water stories from the first half of this year
that you might have missed.
Our 36th annual
Water Summit,
happening Oct. 30 in Sacramento, will feature the theme “Water
Year 2020: A Year of Reckoning,” reflecting upcoming regulatory
deadlines and efforts to improve water management and policy in
the face of natural disasters.
The Summit will feature top policymakers and leading stakeholders
providing the latest information and a variety of viewpoints on
issues affecting water across California and the West.
One of California Gov. Gavin
Newsom’s first actions after taking office was to appoint Wade
Crowfoot as Natural Resources Agency secretary. Then, within
weeks, the governor laid out an ambitious water agenda that
Crowfoot, 45, is now charged with executing.
That agenda includes the governor’s desire for a “fresh approach”
on water, scaling back the conveyance plan in the Sacramento-San
Joaquin Delta and calling for more water recycling, expanded
floodplains in the Central Valley and more groundwater recharge.
Bruce Babbitt, the former Arizona
governor and secretary of the Interior, has been a thoughtful,
provocative and sometimes forceful voice in some of the most
high-profile water conflicts over the last 40 years, including
groundwater management in Arizona and the reduction of
California’s take of the Colorado River. In 2016, former
California Gov. Jerry Brown named Babbitt as a special adviser to
work on matters relating to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and
the Delta tunnels plan.
There’s going to be a new governor
in California next year – and a host of challenges both old and
new involving the state’s most vital natural resource, water.
So what should be the next governor’s water priorities?
That was one of the questions put to more than 150 participants
during a wrap-up session at the end of the Water Education
Foundation’s Sept. 20 Water Summit in Sacramento.
The Colorado River Basin is more
than likely headed to unprecedented shortage in 2020 that could
force supply cuts to some states, but work is “furiously”
underway to reduce the risk and avert a crisis, Bureau of
Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman told an audience of
California water industry people.
During a keynote address at the Water Education Foundation’s
Sept. 20 Water Summit in Sacramento, Burman said there is
opportunity for Colorado River Basin states to control their
destiny, but acknowledged that in water, there are no guarantees
that agreement can be reached.
Farmers in the Central Valley are broiling about California’s plan to increase flows in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river systems to help struggling salmon runs avoid extinction. But in one corner of the fertile breadbasket, River Garden Farms is taking part in some extraordinary efforts to provide the embattled fish with refuge from predators and enough food to eat.
And while there is no direct benefit to one farm’s voluntary actions, the belief is what’s good for the fish is good for the farmers.
For more than 100 years, invasive
species have made the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta their home,
disrupting the ecosystem and costing millions of dollars annually
in remediation.
The latest invader is the nutria, a large rodent native to South
America that causes concern because of its propensity to devour
every bit of vegetation in sight and destabilize levees by
burrowing into them. Wildlife officials are trapping the animal
and trying to learn the extent of its infestation.
Deep, throaty cadenced calls —
sounding like an off-key bassoon — echo over the grasslands,
farmers’ fields and wetlands starting in late September of each
year. They mark the annual return of sandhill cranes to the
Cosumnes River Preserve,
46,000 acres located 20 miles south of Sacramento on the edge of
the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Estuaries are places where fresh and
salt water mix, usually at the point where a river enters the
ocean. They are the meeting point between riverine environments
and the sea, with a combination of tides, waves, salinity, fresh
water flow and sediment. The constant churning means there are
elevated levels of nutrients, making estuaries highly productive
natural habitats.
Understanding the importance of the Bay-Delta ecosystem and
working to restore it means grasping the scope of what it once
That’s the takeaway message of a report released Nov. 14 by the
San Francisco Estuary Institute.
The report, “A
Delta Renewed,” is the latest in a series sponsored by the
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW). Written by
several authors, the report says there is “cause for hope” to
achieving large-scale Delta restoration in a way that supports
people, farms and the environment. SFEI calls itself “one of
California’s premier aquatic and ecosystem science institutes.”
Zooplankton, which are floating
aquatic microorganisms too small and weak to swim against
currents, are are important food sources for many fish species in
the Delta such as salmon, sturgeon and Delta smelt.
The proposed Sites Reservoir would
be an off-river storage basin on the west side of the Sacramento
Valley, about 78 miles northwest of Sacramento. It would capture
stormwater flows from the Sacramento River for release in dry
years for fish and wildlife, farms, communities and
The water would be held in a 14,000-acre basin of grasslands
surrounded by the rolling eastern foothills of the Coast Range.
Known as Antelope Valley, the sparsely populated area in Glenn
and Colusa counties is used for livestock grazing.
In wet years, dry years and every type of water year in between,
the daily intrusion and retreat of salinity in the Sacramento-San
Joaquin Delta is a constant pattern.
The cycle of ebb and flood is the defining nature of an estuary
and prior to its transformation into an agricultural tract in
the mid-19th century, the Delta was a freshwater marsh with
plants, birds, fish and wildlife that thrived on the edge of the
saltwater/freshwater interface.
This 30-minute documentary, produced in 2011, explores the past,
present and future of flood management in California’s Central
Valley. It features stories from residents who have experienced
the devastating effects of a California flood firsthand.
Interviews with long-time Central Valley water experts from
California Department of Water Resources (FloodSAFE), U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, Central Valley Flood
Management Program and environmental groups are featured as they
discuss current efforts to improve the state’s 150-year old flood
protection system and develop a sustainable, integrated, holistic
flood management plan for the Central Valley.
This 30-minute documentary-style DVD on the history and current
state of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program includes an
overview of the geography and history of the river, historical
and current water delivery and uses, the genesis and timeline of
the 1988 lawsuit, how the settlement was reached and what was
agreed to.
This 25-minute documentary-style DVD, developed in partnership
with the California Department of Water Resources, provides an
excellent overview of climate change and how it is already
affecting California. The DVD also explains what scientists
anticipate in the future related to sea level rise and
precipitation/runoff changes and explores the efforts that are
underway to plan and adapt to climate.
15-minute DVD that graphically portrays the potential disaster
should a major earthquake hit the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
“Delta Warning” depicts what would happen in the event of an
earthquake registering 6.5 on the Richter scale: 30 levee breaks,
16 flooded islands and a 300 billion gallon intrusion of salt
water from the Bay – the “big gulp” – which would shut down the
State Water Project and Central Valley Project pumping plants.
30-minute DVD that traces the history of the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation and its role in the development of the West. Includes
extensive historic footage of farming and the construction of
dams and other water projects, and discusses historic and modern
day issues.
Water truly has shaped California into the great state it is
today. And if it is water that made California great, it’s the
fight over – and with – water that also makes it so critically
important. In efforts to remap California’s circulatory system,
there have been some critical events that had a profound impact
on California’s water history. These turning points not only
forced a re-evaluation of water, but continue to impact the lives
of every Californian. This 2005 PBS documentary offers a
historical and current look at the major water issues that shaped
the state we know today. Includes a 12-page viewer’s guide with
background information, historic timeline and a teacher’s lesson.
This beautiful 24×36 inch poster, suitable for framing, features
a map of the San Joaquin River. The map text focuses on the San
Joaquin River Restoration Program, which aims to restore flows
and populations of Chinook salmon to the river below Friant Dam
to its confluence with the Merced River. The text discusses the
history of the program, its goals and ongoing challenges with
Water as a renewable resource is depicted in this 18×24 inch
poster. Water is renewed again and again by the natural
hydrologic cycle where water evaporates, transpires from plants,
rises to form clouds, and returns to the earth as precipitation.
Excellent for elementary school classroom use.
This 24×36 inch poster, suitable for framing, explains how
non-native invasive animals can alter the natural ecosystem,
leading to the demise of native animals. “Unwelcome Visitors”
features photos and information on four such species – including
the zerbra mussel – and explains the environmental and economic
threats posed by these species.
This 24×36 inch poster, suitable for framing, explains how
non-native invasive plants can alter the natural ecosystem,
leading to the demise of native plants and animals. “Space
Invaders” features photos and information on six non-native
plants that have caused widespread problems in the Bay-Delta
Estuary and elsewhere.
The 24-page Layperson’s Guide to the State Water Project provides
an overview of the California-funded and constructed State Water
The State Water Project is best known for the 444-mile-long
aqueduct that provides water from the Delta to San Joaquin Valley
agriculture and southern California cities. The guide contains
information about the project’s history and facilities.
The 24-page Layperson’s Guide to Flood Management explains the
physical flood control system, including levees; discusses
previous flood events (including the 1997 flooding); explores
issues of floodplain management and development; provides an
overview of flood forecasting; and outlines ongoing flood control
The 24-page Layperson’s Guide to California Water provides an
excellent overview of the history of water development and use in
California. It includes sections on flood management; the state,
federal and Colorado River delivery systems; Delta issues; water
rights; environmental issues; water quality; and options for
stretching the water supply such as water marketing and
conjunctive use. New in this 10th edition of the guide is a
section on the human need for water.
The 24-page Layperson’s Guide to the Central Valley Project
explores the history and development of the federal Central
Valley Project (CVP), California’s largest surface water delivery
system. In addition to the project’s history, the guide describes
the various CVP facilities, CVP operations, the benefits the CVP
brought to the state and the CVP Improvement Act (CVPIA).
The 24-page Layperson’s Guide to the Delta explores the competing
uses and demands on California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Included in the guide are sections on the history of the Delta,
its role in the state’s water system, and its many complex issues
with sections on water quality, levees, salinity and agricultural
drainage, fish and wildlife, and water distribution.
A new look for our most popular product! And it’s the perfect
gift for the water wonk in your life.
Our 24×36-inch California Water Map is widely known for being the
definitive poster that shows the integral role water plays in the
state. On this updated version, it is easier to see California’s
natural waterways and man-made reservoirs and aqueducts
– including federally, state and locally funded
projects – the wild and scenic rivers system, and
natural lakes. The map features beautiful photos of
California’s natural environment, rivers, water projects,
wildlife, and urban and agricultural uses and the
text focuses on key issues: water supply, water use, water
projects, the Delta, wild and scenic rivers and the Colorado
The San Luis Reservoir is the nation’s largest off-stream
reservoir, serving as a key water facility for both the
State Water
Project (SWP) and the federal Central Valley Project
There are multiple proposals for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
underway, though a decision on the future of the Delta is still
far from a foregone conclusion.
Unlike past planning efforts that focused primarily on water
resource issues and the ecosystem, some current efforts to
revitalize the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta include:
land use planning
flood management and energy
rail and transportation infrastructure
How— or if—all these competing demands can be accommodated is an
open question.
For more than 30 years, the Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta has been embroiled in continuing controversy over the
struggle to restore the faltering ecosystem while maintaining its
role as the hub of the state’s water supply.
Lawsuits and counter lawsuits have been filed, while
environmentalists and water users continue to clash over
the amount of water that can be safely exported from the region.
Roughly 1,115 miles of levees protect farms, cities, schools and
people in and around the Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta, a crucial conduit for California’s overall water
supply. But the Delta’s levees are vulnerable to failure due to
floods, earthquakes and rising sea levels brought about by
climate change. A widespread failure could imperil the state’s
water supply.
The Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta includes approximately 500,000 acres of waterways,
levees and farmed lands extending over portions of six counties:
Alameda, Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano and Yolo.
The fresh water inflow and outflow of the Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta is critical to its vitality and survival.
Freshwater flows from the Delta meets saltwater from the ocean
near Suisun Marsh located to the east of San Francisco Bay.
Suisun Marsh and adjoining
bays are the brackish transition between fresh and salt water.
But the location of that transition is not fixed.
The 6,000-foot Delta Cross Channel diverts water from the
Sacramento River into a
branch of the Mokelumne River, where it follows natural channels
for about 50 miles to the Jones Pumping Plant
intake channel. Located near the State Water Project’s
Harvey O.
The Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta has been the hub of California’s water system for more
than 50 years and along the way water experts have struggled
to balance the many competing demands placed on the estuary—the
largest freshwater tidal estuary on the West Coast.
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta always has been at the mercy of
river flows and brackish tides.
Before human intervention, salty ocean water from the San
Francisco Bay flooded the vast Delta marshes during dry summers
when mountain runoff ebbed. Then, during winter, heavy runoff
from the mountains repelled sea water intrusion.
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is California’s most crucial
water and ecological resource. It is the largest freshwater tidal
estuary of its kind
on the west coast of the Americas, providing important habitat
for birds on the Pacific Flyway and for fish that live in or pass
through the Delta. It also the hub of California’s two largest
surface water delivery projects, the State Water Project and the
federal Central
Valley Project. The Delta provides a portion of the drinking
water for 27 million Californians and irrigation water for
large portions of the state’s $50 billion agricultural industry.
The Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta supports more than 55 fish species and more than 750
plant and wildlife species.
Over times, the home of these species-the Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta ecosystem-has been impacted for many decades by human
activities, such as gold mining, flood protection and land
reclamation. Along the way, more than 200 exotic species have
been intentionally or accidentally introduced.
The Monterey Amendment, a 1994 pact between Department of Water
Resources and State Water Project contractors, helped ease
environmental stresses on the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta.
As part of large-scale restructuring of water supply contracts,
the Monterey Amendment allowed for storage of excess flows during
wet years in groundwater banks and surface storage reservoir.
This stored water could then be used later during dry periods or
to help the Delta.
Invasive species, also known as
exotics, are plants, animals, insects and aquatic species
introduced into non-native habitats.
Often, invasive species travel to non-native areas by ship,
either in ballast water released into harbors or attached to the
sides of boats. From there, introduced species can then spread
and significantly alter ecosystems and the natural food chain as
they go. Another example of non-native species introduction is
the dumping of aquarium fish into waterways.
Environmental concerns have closely followed California’s
development of water resources since its earliest days as a
Early miners harnessed water to dislodge gold through hydraulic
mining. Debris resulting from these mining practices washed down
in rivers and streams, choking them and harming aquatic life and
causing flooding.
The Delta Stewardship Council was created as an independent state
agency in 2009 to achieve California’s coequal goals for the
Joaquin Delta of providing a more reliable water supply for
the state and protecting, restoring and enhancing the Delta
Overseen by the California Department of Water Resources,
California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, the Delta Risk Management Strategy evaluated
the sustainability of the
Joaquin Delta and assessed major risks from floods, seepage,
subsidence and earthquakes, sea level rise and climate change.
The Delta Pumping Plant Fish Protection Agreement stems from an
early effort to balance the needs of fish protection and State Water Project
operations. Negotiated in the mid-1980s, the agreement
foreshadowed future battles over fish protection and pumping.
[See also Sacramento-San Joaquin
The Delta Plan is a comprehensive management plan for the
Sacramento San
Joaquin Delta intended to help the state meet the coequal
goals of water reliability and ecosystem restoration.
The Delta
Stewardship Council, which oversees the Delta Plan, adopted a
final version in May 2013 after three years of study and public
meetings. Once completed, the Bay Delta Conservation Plan could
be incorporated into the Delta Plan.
Construction began in 1937 to build the Contra Costa Canal, the
first part of the federal Central Valley
Project. The Contra Costa Canal runs from the Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta, where it draws its water near Knightsen, to the
eastern and central parts of Contra Costa County. It is about 30
miles from San Francisco.
The California Aqueduct, a critical part of the State Water
Project, carries water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta to the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California.
Established as part of a $1.75 billion bond passed by voters in
1960, the 444-mile-long California Aqueduct (formally known as
the Edmund G. Brown California Aqueduct) begins at the Harvey O.
Banks Pumping Plant in the Delta.
It parallels Interstate 5 south to the Tehachapi Mountains.
Few regions are as important to California water as the Sacramento-San Joaquin
Delta, where the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers converge
to discharge into San Francisco Bay.
This issue of Western Water looks at the BDCP and the
Coalition to Support Delta Projects, issues that are aimed at
improving the health and safety of the Delta while solidifying
California’s long-term water supply reliability.
This printed issue of Western Water examines the issues
associated with the State Water Board’s proposed revision of the
water quality Bay-Delta Plan, most notably the question of
whether additional flows are needed for the system, and how they
might be provided.
This printed issue of Western Water examines science –
the answers it can provide to help guide management decisions in
the Delta and the inherent uncertainty it holds that can make
moving forward such a tenuous task.
The critical condition of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta has
prompted the question of how it can continue to serve as a source
of water for 25 million people while remaining a viable
ecosystem, agricultural community and growing residential center.
Developing a “dual conveyance” system of continuing to use Delta
waterways to convey water to the export pumps but also building a
new pipeline or canal to move some water supplies around the
Delta is an issue of great scrutiny.
This printed issue of Western Water provides an overview of the
idea of a dual conveyance facility, including questions
surrounding its cost, operation and governance
This printed copy of Western Water examines the Delta through the
many ongoing activities focusing on it, most notably the Delta
Vision process. Many hours of testimony, research, legal
proceedings, public hearings and discussion have occurred and
will continue as the state seeks the ultimate solution to the
problems tied to the Delta.
Consider the array of problems facing the Sacramento- San Joaquin
Delta for too long and the effect can be nearly overwhelming.
Permanently altered more than a century ago, the estuary -
arguably the only one of its kind – is an enigma to those outside
its realm, a region embroiled in difficulties that resist simple,
ready-made solutions.
There are multiple Delta Vision processes underway and a decision
on the future of the Delta will be made in the next two years.
Unlike past planning efforts that focused primarily on water
resource issues and the ecosystem, these current efforts are
expanding to include land use planning, recreation, flood
management, and energy, rail and transportation infrastructure.
How – or if – all these competing demands can be accommodated is
the question being considered.
This issue of Western Water examines the Sacramento-San
Joaquin Delta as it stands today and the efforts by government
agencies, policy experts, elected officials and the public at
large to craft a vision for a sustainable future.
This issue of Western Water discusses the CALFED Bay-Delta
Program and what the future holds as it enters a crucial period.
From its continued political viability to the advancement of best
available science and the challenges of fulfilling the ROD, the
near future will feature a lively discussion that will play a
significant role in the program’s future.
The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta has been described as the
“switching yard” of California ’s water delivery system, moving
billions of gallons that supply the drinking water and irrigation
for millions of people. When stakeholders signed the 1994
Bay-Delta Accord, it was a dual-purpose deal designed to
preserve, protect and restore the ecosystem and increase water
supply reliability.
This issue of Western Water examines the extensive activity
associated with the projects and issues related to the Napa
proposal – from increasing the state’s pumping capacity to
improvements in the south Delta to the creation of a lasting
Environmental Water Account to addressing water quality concerns.
As of press time, the proposal was far from finalized, undergoing
review and possible revision by government agencies and
The release of the CALFED Record of Decision in 2000 marked a
turning point in the multi-year effort to craft a Delta “fix”
that addressed both environmental problems and water supply
reliability. How to finance the many components within the plan
and ensure the plan is implemented over the next 30 years is a
major issue.