California Project
WET is a program of the Water Education
Foundation that works with partners throughout the
state to organize professional development workshops for formal
and non-formal K-12 educators.
The California effort is part of Project WET (Water
Education Today) is an international, award-winning
nonprofit based in Montana that publishes activities and provides
training workshops for K-12 educators.
The program focuses on advancing water education to help
students of all ages understand the value of water, global water
challenges and inspire local solutions for a more sustainable
Project WET (Water Education Today) is a water education program spanning the globe that believes informed people are more likely to participate in the decision-making process and to make a difference through their actions. Project WET invites educators, resource managers and concerned citizens to join us in educating young people and students of all ages about one of the most precious resources on the planet – water.
Click here to view a video of Project WET’s impact around the world, and here to view a video of how Project WET can help teachers engage students in the study of climate change. Click here to hear about one of our specialized summer institutes.
Project WET activities are designed
to engage students of all ages – in formal and non-formal
education settings – in the study of water through interactive
simulations, use of models and reality-based scenarios, and
highlighting current water challenges from multiple viewpoints.
The Project WET activities are designed to be:
Accurate and science-based. Content experts
review the information, and educators and students field test
the materials.
Interactive. Engaging students through
questioning and other inquiry-based strategies, educators
involve students in hands-on lessons and encourage them to take
responsibility for their own learning by:
California Project WET
Water Education Foundation
2151 River Plaza Drive, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95866
916-444-6240, ext. 208