Project WET Guide
Project WET activities are designed
to engage students of all ages – in formal and non-formal
education settings – in the study of water through interactive
simulations, use of models and reality-based scenarios, and
highlighting current water challenges from multiple viewpoints.
The Project WET activities are designed to be:
- Accurate and science-based. Content experts review the information, and educators and students field test the materials.
Interactive. Engaging students through
questioning and other inquiry-based strategies, educators
involve students in hands-on lessons and encourage them to take
responsibility for their own learning by:
- seeking answers to real-world problems
- playing games to explore scientific concepts
- reflecting, debating and sharing by creating songs, stories and dramas
- Multisensory. Full-body activities engage the senses, which research shows enhances learning.
- Interdisciplinary. While science is at the core of most Project WET activities, each activity usually encourages students to explore water through the lens of multiple subject areas.
- Adaptable. Project WET activities can be taught and performed indoors and outdoors, in a variety of settings with a range of group sizes.
- Contemporary, incorporating twenty-first-century skills. In most activities, students work in small, collaborative groups. Many activities engage students in higher-level thinking skills, requiring them to analyze, interpret, apply information (problem-solving, decision-making and planning) that ‘teach students HOW to think, not WHAT to think.’
- Cross-cultural. Materials prepare students for participation in a global economy, in which an understanding of water resources will be critical.
- Relevant. Educators are encouraged to engage students in the study of water concepts and skills as they apply to local water challenges including climate change, water conservation, water quality, storm water, groundwater, weather and climate change and watershed management.
- Solution-oriented. Project WET believes in linking awareness and education to action and solutions.
- Measurable. Project WET activities provide simple assessment tools to measure student learning.
Project WET activities have been correlated to and reinforce practices integrated within Common Core, Next Generation Science and California History/Social Science Standards and provide strong support for STEAM, Project-Based and Service- Learning programs.