Become a Member

Overview Jenn Bowles

Become a Member
Donate and receive water maps, guides on key water issues and more!

As a nonprofit, we are grateful for donations of any size. Our work would not be possible without your support! Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Our Giving Back Contribution Plan with multiple levels of support kicks in with a $100 donation. You can see the benefits of donation levels as you scroll down this page.

Donate Here!

If you’d rather send a check, please mail it to the Water Education Foundation, 2151 River Plaza Drive, Suite 205 Sacramento, CA 95833, Attention: Jennifer Bowles. You can reach Jenn via email with any questions.


Member Benefits

Water Drop ($100-$249)

With your generous contribution, you will receive:

  • One Layperson’s Guide of your choice
  • Any new and revised Layperson’s Guides to key water issues
  • Western Water news (now online)
  • Reduced rate to attend our Water Summit
  • Recognition in the Foundation’s Annual Report

Stream  ($250 – $499)

All of the above plus…