The Groundwater Resources Association’s Scholastic Fund Program
benefits regional academic groundwater programs and their
students through scholarships, travel to and attendance at GRA
conferences, and departments involved in California groundwater
research. Much of the support has been received through sponsors
at GRA Branch events. The GRA membership also contributes to the
GRA Scholastic Fund Program as part of GRA’s annual membership
drive. Since the program inception, GRA members and Branch
sponsors have contributed over $30,000 to the educational needs
of California’s groundwater students.
In 2010, GRA and the Water Education Foundation joined to form
the GRA-Water Education Foundation Scholastic Fund Program. The
Program continues GRA’s longstanding Scholastic Fund Program, and
it allows GRA to expand the Program with leadership from GRA’s
Branches and GRA’s Education Committee. Contributions to the
Program are considered a charitable contribution (to the extent
provided by law) since the Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit,
charitable organization.
The new partnership commenced with a generous challenge
contribution from Steve Zigan, then president and founder of
Environmental Resolutions, Inc. ERI recently merged to form
Cardno ERI. Mr. Zigan, who is now retired, was a frequent
participant at GRA Southern Branch meetings and has contributed
to the GRA scholarship fund previously. His challenge initiated
the Fund receiving a greater number of contributions than
Past recipient programs have benefited students at the University
of California, Berkeley, California State University, Fullerton
and California State University, Sacramento.
Considering the important role that groundwater plays in
California’s overall water resources management, it is vital that
GRA continue to invest meaningfully in education and students who
strive to “protect and improve groundwater supply and quality.”
Through the GRA-WEF Scholastic Fund Program, you can invest
meaningfully, too.
For additional information about the GRA-Water Education
Foundation Scholastic Fund Program, please contact Dr. Thomas
Harter, GRA Director, or Amanda
Rae Hall, GRA Administrative Director, at
To donate to the program, please contact Amanda
Rae or send a check to GRA, 700 R Street, Suite 200, Sacramento,
CA 95811.