Topic: Wetlands



Wetlands are among the most important ecosystems in the world. They produce high levels of oxygen, filter toxic chemicals out of water, reduce flooding and erosion and recharge groundwater. They also serve as critical habitat for wildlife, including a large percentage of plants and animals on California’s endangered species list.

As the state has grown into one of the world’s leading economies, Californians have developed and transformed the state’s marshes, swamps and tidal flats, losing as much as 90 percent of the original wetlands acreage—a greater percentage of loss than any other state in the nation.

While the conversion of wetlands has slowed, the loss in California is significant and it affects a range of factors from water quality to quality of life.

Wetlands still remain in every part of the state, with the greatest concentration in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and its watershed, which includes the Central Valley. The Delta wetlands are especially important because they are part of the vast complex of waterways that provide two-thirds of California’s drinking water.

Aquafornia news Inside Climate News

New study shows extreme and far-reaching impacts of Sackett ruling on federal wetland protections

Wetlands and ephemeral streams provide a wide variety of benefits to people and wildlife, from flood protection for local communities, to preventing pollutants from entering the water supply, to breeding grounds for endangered bird species. Wetlands can also act as carbon sinks, sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. … But all that changed with a May 2023 ruling by the Supreme Court called Sackett v. The Environmental Protection Agency, which rewrote the legal definition of wetlands and suddenly left many of these bodies of water unprotected, according to a new study from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). 

Aquafornia news SJV Water

Tulare County wetlands preserve to open to the public on Saturday

The largest remaining wetland prairie in the San Joaquin Valley will open to the public on Saturday, March 29, an event that only comes around once or twice a year. The James K. Herbert Wetland Prairie Preserve, which houses and protects rare and unique species in Tulare County, will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Attendees can explore the preserve and catch a self-guided tour with staff. The event is made possible by the  Alta Peak California Native Plant Society, Sequoia Riverlands Trust and the Tulare Kings Audubon Society.

Aquafornia news American Society for Microbiology

Blog: Structures mimicking beaver dams reduce waterborne parasites

To improve stream health and help restore wetlands, ecologists have increasingly looked to beavers for inspiration. Stream-spanning structures made of vegetation, called beaver dam analogues (BDAs), offer a cost-efficient way to slow down moving water. A new study suggests they have another benefit: improving water quality downstream. This week in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, researchers report that BDAs significantly reduce the amount of a waterborne protozoal pathogen, Giardia duodenalis, in stream water flowing through a cattle ranch in California. “We found that slowing down the water in these creeks allowed these pathogens, which can cause disease in animals or people, to be removed by the BDA structures,” said epidemiologist and senior author Woutrina Smith, DVM, MPVM, Ph.D., from the University of California, Davis. 

Aquafornia news The Sun Newspapers (Seal Beach, Calif.)

CCC OKs wetlands restoration

The California Coastal Commission on March 13 approved the two-phase restoration of the southern area of the Los Cerritos Wetlands. The project area is in Seal Beach. The coastal development permit was approved with conditions.  The Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority, created in 2006, was the applicant. “The Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project, a partnership of 17 state and federal agencies, has identified the acquisition and restoration of the Los Cerritos Wetlands as a high regional priority,” according to the unsigned staff report.

Aquafornia news CalMatters

California considers protecting wetlands from Trump order

… The Trump administration’s plan to alter the Clean Water Act’s definition of wetlands to exclude (seasonal streams, ponds and pools) could render vast areas of California essentially unprotected from developers and growers. … (A) new bill introduced last month, (state) Senate Bill 601, would build in more protection, amending the state Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act to copy existing federal protections. It would, among other provisions, require new permitting rules for pollutants from business operations or construction.

Other federal and Calif. environmental regulation news:

Aquafornia news Audubon California

News release: Restoring San Diego’s coastal wetlands

San Diego’s coastal wetlands are home to rich biodiversity, critical migratory bird habitats, and culturally significant lands. Thanks to a generous two-year grant from the Dorrance Family Foundation, Audubon California and our partners, including the Buena Vista Audubon and the San Diego Bird Alliance, will continue making important progress in restoring key estuarine habitats in the region. For the fourth year in a row, the Dorrance Family Foundation has awarded significant funding to Audubon California and our partners to restore critical habitat along San Diego County’s Mission Bay and Buena Vista Lagoon. 

Aquafornia news Courthouse News Service

Trump’s ‘fabricated’ energy emergency threatens wetlands across the US, conservationists claim

President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national energy emergency will destroy wetlands across the U.S. as the Army Corps of Engineers is expediting as many as 700 pending permits for pipelines, transmission lines, and other energy-related projects without proper environmental review, the Center for Biological Diversity said. The center sent a letter to Trump on Thursday stating its intent to sue him and the Army Corps for violating the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act because neither federal statute can be curtailed by his declaration of a national emergency, let alone a “fabricated” one.

Related article:

Aquafornia news Port of Oakland

News release: Port of Oakland to benefit wetlands through sustainable dredging

The Port of Oakland deepens its commitment to sustainability by sending more dredged sediment from the Oakland Seaport to a Solano County wetland restoration site. Montezuma Wetlands will receive an approximately $2.1 million grant over the next three years to allow more Port-dredged sediment to go towards restoring wetlands and endangered species habitat. Regulations require a minimum of 40% of sand, silt, and mud dredged from berth maintenance to go towards beneficial reuse. Berths and approach channels must be up to 50-feet-deep to accommodate the big vessels that call the Port today.

Aquafornia news Ag Alert

Waterfowl flock again to valley rice fields

The return of fully planted rice crops to the Sacramento Valley following years of drought has restored another essential feature of the region. After harvest, reservoirs replenished by last year’s historic storms enabled farmers to flood more of their fields this winter, creating wetland habitat for migrating waterfowl. … Today, around 300,000 acres of the valley’s rice paddies are flooded each winter to provide food and shelter for 7 million ducks and geese, according to the California Rice Commission. More than 200 species of wildlife, including threatened species such as Sandhill Cranes, rely on the fields. Especially over the past decade, state and federal programs have been developed to incentivize winter flooding, defraying some of the cost, and rice farmers have embraced their role in wildlife conservation.