What is Project WET?
Project WET (Water Education Today) is a water education program spanning the globe that believes informed people are more likely to participate in the decision-making process and to make a difference through their actions. Project WET invites educators, resource managers and concerned citizens to join us in educating young people and students of all ages about one of the most precious resources on the planet – water.
Click here to view a video of Project WET’s impact around the world, and here to view a video of how Project WET can help teachers engage students in the study of climate change. Click here to hear about one of our specialized summer institutes.
California Project WET receives funding support from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, California-Great Basin and the U.S. Geological Survey, California Water Science Center.
Special thanks to the California Department of Water Resources for helping to sponsor California Project WET college education programs for new teachers and natural resource interpreters, and their support for specialized Project WET professional development workshops and institutes for California K-12 educators.
“Thank you for one of the most energetic and relevant workshops I have ever attended.” – Elk Grove USD teacher
Project WET is committed to global water education that is implemented at the community level.
Project WET materials are protected by copyright and all reproductions or alterations are subject to the Permissions Policy published by the Project WET International Foundation.