Four New Board Members Bring A Range of Experience To Water Education Foundation
Former Resources Secretary Mike Chrisman, Celeste Cantú, former Reclamation Commissioner Bob Johnson hold key board posts on preeminent nonprofit focused on water education
Four new members bringing a wide
range of water resource experiences and perspectives have joined
the Water Education Foundation Board. They include
representatives from a Native American Tribe and the Nature
Conservancy, a lawyer specializing in water resources and a
communications and outreach manager for a Southern California
water agency.
They join a board led by Mike Chrisman, who served as California natural resources secretary for seven years under former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Joining the board as new members in 2022 are:
- Brian Golding, Director of Economic Development for the Quechan Indian Tribe
- Sandi Matsumoto, Director of the California Water Program for The Nature Conservancy
- Alfred Smith, Attorney, Partner and Chair of the Water Department at Nossaman LLP
- Lily Lopez, Director of External Affairs at Walnut Valley Water District. Lopez, a member of the Water Leader Class of 2021, fills that class’ board position.
Along with the new board members, the Board of Directors approved additional one-year terms for Chrisman and the rest of the Executive Committee: Vice President Celeste Cantú of Water Solutions Network; Secretary Yung-Hsin Sun with Stantec and Treasurer JaNell Cook, with HDR Inc. Bob Johnson, a former commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, remains as Past President.
In all, a volunteer board of more than 30 directors representing a broad cross-section of water, education, business, environmental, agricultural and public interest communities governs the Foundation, an impartial nonprofit based in Sacramento.
Founded in 1977, the Foundation focuses on producing news, maps, publications, workshops, tours and leadership programs to raise awareness of water issues in California and across the Colorado River Basin. The Foundation team is led by Executive Director Jennifer Bowles.
Members of the Board of Directors voted to approve the new board members and the Executive Committee at their final 2021 meeting in December. Their appointments were effective Jan. 1, 2022.