Blog: Measuring groundwater overdraft in the Sacramento Valley
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) is now in its tenth year since passing in 2014, and we are beginning to see some real progress in coordination and implementation. Groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) have been formed and initial groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) submitted. Following submission, some plans have been approved, some are still under state review, and many have gone through some iteration to correct deficiencies. … The Department of Water Resources recently sent plans for five Sacramento Valley basins back for revisions, largely due to ongoing concerns around dry-year impacts of pumping on drinking water wells and land subsidence.
Related articles:
- New York Times: How a patchwork of rules to protect America’s water is falling short
- Davis Enterprise: Supes vote to let ag well moratorium expire
- Maven’s Notebook: Dr. Jay Lund - Why can’t we capture all the water in wet years?