Editorial: Historic North Coast water deal takes shape
There’s a lot to like about the historic agreement to manage water in the Russian and Eel rivers. For farmers and city dwellers in Sonoma and Mendocino counties, preserving diversions into the Russian River is nothing short of a lifeline. For conservation and fishery groups, a commitment to restore flows on the Eel is a milestone in a decades-long campaign to revitalize a historic salmon stream.
–Written by The Press Democrat Editorial BoardRelated articles:
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- The Healdsburg Tribune (Calif.): ‘Historic pact’ signed regarding Healdsburg’s water source
- California Trout: News release: The Eel River’s Return: California’s third largest watershed is on its way to flowing free and CalTrout has a plan for its restoration
- Earth Hope: Blog: Bring down the dams! California’s Eel River will soon run free