Former gas stations leave toxic pollution in Sacramento
The Sacramento City Council signed off on a $750,000 agreement to assess and begin cleaning up the toxic sites left by two gas stations at a Del Paso Heights intersection. … Before that property at 3739 Marysville Boulevard was sold to the housing agency, an underground storage tank leak prompted the county to open a case over petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in 1999. … After that county case over the petroleum hydrocarbon contamination was closed in 2014, the California State Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board took over because groundwater at the site was contaminated. Regulators looking at the water found trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene or PCE, possibly from the dry cleaner that operated next door until 1980. … A Shell station previously sat on the northwest corner of the intersection, at 3801 Marysville Boulevard. That facility was built in 1976, according to records maintained by the State Water Resources Control Board.