Historic pact reached on future Eel River water flows into Russian River
Officials from three counties and the Round Valley Indian Tribes have reached a historic agreement that paves the way for continued diversions from the Eel River to bolster flows in the Russian River. The agreement represents a critical development for anyone whose water comes from the Russian River. The complex accord resulted from years of negotiations to preserve supplemental flows in the Russian River, the water lifeline for residents, ranchers and wildlife in Sonoma and Mendocino counties. The agreement also supports the restoration and fish recovery in the Eel River, which was crucial to securing support from environmental interests, tribes and Humboldt County residents.
Related articles:
- Jefferson Public Radio: Humboldt County Supervisors sign onto historic water agreement for Eel River
- Ukiah Daily Journal (Calif.): Agreement signed allowing water diversions between Eel and Russian rivers