Monterey County receives nearly $4.1 million USDA grant to improve Pajaro Sanitation District system
The Pajaro River flood of 2023 brought many devastating impacts to the community of Pajaro, including residents being displaced for weeks, the closure of Pajaro Middle School’s campus for 17 months and damage to infrastructure. To help fund repairs over the next three years, Monterey County received a $4.07 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Thursday, for upgrades to the aging lift station, installation of a new generator, a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system, fixes to the pumps and controls, structural repairs to the wet well and the replacement of sewer lines and laterals. … One piece of infrastructure that sustained damage was the wastewater system, a sewage pipeline that served Pajaro and surrounding communities like Las Lomas. This underscored issues with the Pajaro County Sanitation District’s aging wastewater collection system, something Monterey County officials are working to fix in anticipation of the next major weather event.