Restoration at former John C. Boyle Dam featured in talk
Ongoing efforts to revegetate areas along the Klamath River in the former John C. Boyle dam’s “footprint” were among items discussed during a Monday night meeting of the Native Plant Society’s Klamath Basin Chapter. Robert Roninger, a fish biologist with the Bureau of Land Management’s Klamath Falls Field Office, presented two publicly available videos about the dam removal and multi-year plans to restore about 2,500 acres of land that had been created as reservoirs by the Iron Gate, Copco 1, Copco 2, and Boyle dams. In a power point presentation, Roninger focused on restoring about 275 acres that had resulted from the John C. Boyle Dam Project Area and the faster than expected return of fall Chinook and Coho salmon to the Klamath River in Oregon.
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