Rising water costs in San Diego is a never-ending story
The cost of water in San Diego will continue to skyrocket but we don’t have a good idea where or whether it will stop. The city of San Diego recently revealed its own water rates will rise a whopping 61 percent through 2029, adding about $57 per month to the average water bill. Part of the reason is the San Diego County Water Authority, which sells water to the region’s 22 water districts, is paying off debt and deals it took on many years ago to claim more Colorado River water and tap into ocean water for drinking. Another reason is cities like San Diego are building their own expensive wastewater recycling systems. But this year’s price spike – or any water rate forecast in San Diego right now – doesn’t account for some of the largest and most expensive water security solutions being pondered in Southern California right now by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and beyond. San Diego would also be on the hook for those.