

Water news you need to know

A collection of top water news from around California and the West compiled each weekday. Send any comments or article submissions to Foundation News & Publications Director Chris Bowman.

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Aquafornia news Congresswoman Norma Torres' Office

News release: Congresswoman Torres and Congressman Valadao introduce bipartisan “Removing Nitrate and Arsenic in Drinking Water Act”

Today, Congresswoman Norma Torres and Congressman David Valadao – members of the House Appropriations Committee – announced the introduction of the bipartisan Removing Nitrate and Arsenic in Drinking Water Act. This bill would amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to provide grants for nitrate and arsenic reduction, by providing $15 million for FY25 and every fiscal year thereafter. The bill also directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take into consideration the needs of economically disadvantaged populations impacted by drinking water contamination. The California State Water Resources Control Board found the Inland Empire to have the highest levels of contamination of nitrate throughout the state including 82 sources in San Bernardino, 67 sources in Riverside County, and 123 sources in Los Angeles County.

Aquafornia news Ag Alert

Commentary: As farmers endure disasters, relief is slow in coming

Catastrophic weather events wreaked havoc on U.S. agriculture last year, causing nearly $22 billion in crop and rangeland losses, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. California accounted for $1.14 billion of that figure, including nearly $880 million in damages from severe storms and flooding. The figures represent a significant shift from previous years, when drought and wildfires were California’s biggest challenges. Since then, atmospheric rivers, Tropical Storm Hilary and other weather events battered our farming communities.
- Written by Matthew Viohl, director of federal policy for the California Farm Bureau

Aquafornia news The Associated Press

Trillions of gallons leak from aging drinking water systems, further stressing shrinking US cities

Water bubbles up in streets, pooling in neighborhoods for weeks or months. Homes burn to the ground if firefighters can’t draw enough water from hydrants. Utility crews struggle to fix broken pipes while water flows through shut-off valves that don’t work. … Across the U.S., trillions of gallons of drinking water are lost every year, especially from decrepit systems in communities struggling with significant population loss and industrial decline that leave behind poorer residents, vacant neighborhoods and too-large water systems that are difficult to maintain.

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Aquafornia news The Salt Lake Tribune

Utah looks to other states for more water under new bill

A much-anticipated water bill brought by one of the most powerful lawmakers on Capitol Hill became public Thursday. Senate President Stuart Adams’s SB 211, titled “Generational Water Infrastructure Amendments,” seeks to secure a water supply for decades to come. It forms a new council comprised of leadership from the state’s biggest water districts that will figure out Utah’s water needs for the next 50 to 75 years. It also creates a new governor-appointed “Utah Water Agent” with a $1 million annual budget that will “coordinate with the council to ensure Utah’s generational water needs are met,” according to a news release. But combing through the text of the bill reveals the water agent’s main job will be finding an out-of-state water supply. … The bill also notes the water agent won’t meddle with existing water compacts with other states on the Bear and Colorado rivers.

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Aquafornia news California WaterBlog

Blog: How’s California’s water year developing?

… California’s 2024 Water Year could still be quite dry and/or bring floods, but it seems unlikely to become among California’s wettest years, if only because the water year’s first months have been dry. Today, the Northern Sierra precipitation index is about 66% of average for this time of year.  San Joaquin and Tulare basin precipitation indices are at 46% and 40% of average, respectively. … Given the precipitation so far, 2024 is highly likely to be wetter than the very driest years of record, but is also highly unlikely to be among the very wettest years in the past 100 years or so.   

Aquafornia news Ag Alert

Commentary: Where does water wind up? You might be surprised

Water, the essence of life, is an indispensable resource intricately woven into the fabric of our daily existence. From the food on our plates to the gadgets in our hands, water silently plays a pivotal role in the creation of almost everything we encounter. In a world where water scarcity is a looming concern, it is essential to explore the profound impact of water in the production of goods and services that shape our lives as well as the food we feed our families.
-Written by Mike Wade, executive director of the California Farm Water Coalition

Aquafornia news Los Angeles Times

Tuesday Top of the Scroll: So. Much. Rain. Southern California’s two-day total is expected to be among top 5 in history

Beyond evacuations, mudslides, outages and road flooding, the atmospheric river that drenched Southern California over the last few days brought eye-popping rainfall totals to the region — with still more to come Tuesday. Rainfall topped 11 inches in some areas of Los Angeles County in three days, easily surpassing the average amount recorded for the entire month of February, according to the National Weather Service. “And February is our wettest month,” said Ryan Kittell, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Oxnard… As of 10 p.m. Monday, downtown Los Angeles had recorded 7.04 inches of rain over the prior three days. The February average is 3.80 inches. That three-day total is nearly 50% of the average amount of rainfall for an entire year for downtown Los Angeles.

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Aquafornia news KLAS - Las Vegas

Atmospheric rivers bring rain and snow, but will they feed the Colorado River?

The attention is on Southern California right now, but an atmospheric river’s path will extend inland with potential flooding — and possible drought relief. If you’re watching the weather, it’s still a little early to tell whether these storms will go where they can hope Las Vegas the most. That’s anywhere in the Upper Colorado River Basin, where there’s a chance they could produce snow to help the river that supplies 90% of the water used in Southern Nevada. … The paths of this year’s atmospheric rivers are unlike the ones that slammed the Sierras last year. Those storms carried snow straight east through Northern Nevada and Utah, feeding the Rocky Mountains with snowpack levels that reached 160% of normal by the end of winter. 

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Aquafornia news NOAA Fisheries

Blog: Sacramento River winter-run chinook salmon remain endangered, review finds

Partners have pulled together to support the recovery of endangered Sacramento winter-run Chinook salmon in the last few years. However, the species still faces threats from climate change and other factors. That is the conclusion of an Endangered Species Act review that NOAA Fisheries completed for the native California species. It once returned in great numbers to the tributaries of the Sacramento River and supported local tribes. The review concluded that the species remains endangered, and identified key recovery actions to help the species survive climate change. While partners have taken steps to protect winter-run Chinook salmon, blocked habitat, altered flows, and higher temperatures continue to threaten their survival.

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Aquafornia news Office of Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria

News release: Assemblywoman Soria introduces bill to boost groundwater recharge

Last week, Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria introduced AB 2060 to help divert local floodwater into regional groundwater basins. AB 2060 seeks to streamline the permitting process to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in support of Flood-MAR activities when a stream or river has reached flood-monitor or flood stage as determined by the California Nevada River Forecast Center or the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). This expedited approval process would be temporary during storm events with qualifying flows under the SWRCB permit.

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Aquafornia news Delta Protection Commission

News release: Delta NHA Management Plan released for public comment

The Delta Protection Commission today released a public-comment draft of the Management Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area (Delta NHA). … The Delta NHA was created in 2019 by Congress (PDF). It is California’s first, and so far only, National Heritage Area. … The Delta Protection Commission is scheduled to vote on the plan March 7, 2024, after which it will be submitted to the Secretary of the Interior for approval. After approval, implementation of the plan can begin.

Aquafornia news The Salt Lake Tribune

Opinion: Moab unites to fight a floodplain development

Moab is a growing town of 5,300 that up to 5 million people visit each year to hike nearby Arches and Canyonlands national parks, ride mountain bikes and all-terrain vehicles, or raft the Colorado River. Like any western resort town, it desperately needs affordable housing. What locals say it doesn’t need is a high-end development on a sandbar projecting into the Colorado River, where groves of cottonwoods, willows and hackberries flourish. “Delusional,” shameful” or “outrageous” is what many locals call this Kane Creek Preservation and Development project.
- Written by Mary Moran, a contributor to Writers on the Range

Aquafornia news Los Angeles Times

Monday Top of the Scroll: ‘Extremely dangerous situation’: Hollywood Hills hit by major mudslides, flooding, record rain

An “extremely dangerous situation” was unfolding in the Hollywood Hills area and around the Santa Monica Mountains Monday, as a powerful, slow-moving storm triggered mud flows and debris flows that damaged some homes and forced residents to evacuate. Damage reports piled up early Monday as the storm system steadily pummeled Southern California, and downtown L.A. broke a 97-year-old rainfall record. On Sunday, downtown had seen 4.1 inches of rain, which broke the record for the calendar day set on Feb. 4, 1927, when 2.55 inches of rain was recorded. Sunday was the third wettest February day on record and tied for the 10th wettest day for any time of year since record keeping began in 1877, the National Weather Service said.

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Aquafornia news KRCR - Redding, Calif.

Shasta Lake jumps 1 foot in 24 hours, 5 feet in 7 days as rainstorms continue

The continued wet weather in the Northstate has left quite an impact at Shasta Lake. California’s largest reservoir rose a foot from Thursday to Friday, and 5 feet from January 26 to February 2. Currently, Shasta Lake sits at 1,035 feet, roughly 30 feet from capacity. That’s an increase of 47 feet from this date last year. … Overall, the weather station at Shasta Dam has reported 36.56 inches of rain since the water year began on October 1. 

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Aquafornia news Aspen Journalism

Colorado Senate favors limiting nonfunctional turf

Colorado legislators in 2022 passed a bill that delivered $2 million to programs across the state for removal of turf in urban areas classified as nonfunctional. By that, legislators mean Kentucky bluegrass and other thirsty-grass species that were meant to be seen but rarely, if ever, otherwise used. Now, they are taking the next step. The Colorado Senate on Tuesday, Jan. 30 voted in favor of a bill, Senate Bill 24-005, that would prevent thirsty turf species from being planted in certain places that rarely, if ever, get foot traffic, except perhaps to be mowed.

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Aquafornia news SJV Water

Farmers in Tulare County to test groundwater market they hope could help keep them in business and replenish the aquifer

How will selling groundwater help keep more groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley’s already critically overtapped aquifers? Water managers in the Kaweah subbasin in northwestern Tulare County hope to find out by having farmers tinker with a pilot groundwater market program. Kaweah farmers will be joining growers from subbasins up and down the San Joaquin Valley who’ve been looking at how water markets might help them maintain their businesses by using pumping allotments and groundwater credits as assets to trade or sell when water is tight.

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Aquafornia news Los Angeles Times

As climate hazards converge, health risks rise in California

State health officials know that extreme heat can cost lives and send people to the hospital, just like wildfire smoke. Now, new research finds that when people are exposed to both hazards simultaneously — as is increasingly the case in California — heart and respiratory crises outpace the expected sum of hospitalizations compared to when the conditions occur separately. … The study joins a growing body of research about the intersection of different climate risks. Last month, California-based think-tank the Pacific Institute published a report about how converging hazards — including wildfires, drought, flooding, sea level rise and intensifying storms — are harming access to drinking water and sanitation in California and other parts of the world. The deadly 2018 Camp fire in Butte County impacted an estimated 2,438 private wells, the report said.

Aquafornia news Daily Tidings

Klamath dam removals: Loss of Copco Lake leaves some residents reeling

The dam removal projects- aimed at sustaining the salmon population, are underway, with the latest drawdown being three reservoirs on the Klamath River. The removal process has already dramatically changed the landscape in Southern Oregon and far Northern California, along the course of the river. The lowest of the three remaining dams- Iron Gate, was initially breached on January 9, followed by the J.C. Boyle reservoir on January 16. A concrete plug in the tunnel at the base of Copco 1 was blasted away on January 23, with the reservoirs draining quickly, leaving vast expanses of fissured mud that was the consistency and color of chocolate cake batter. Shaping its new course, the Klamath River is winding through the bare landscape, but the transformation has had some unintended consequences and saddened some residents.

Aquafornia news The Arizona Republic

Commentary: Water regulation in Arizona has now devolved into a game of chicken

Water regulation in Arizona has devolved into a game of chicken. The governor and farmers are rivals revving their engines, hoping their opponent will flinch first. Caught in the middle is Gila Bend, a groundwater basin south of Buckeye, where the state could decide to impose its most stringent form of regulation, whether folks like it or not. Both sides are using Gila Bend as a bargaining chip to win support for competing legislative proposals. But to what end?
- Written by Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic digital opinions editor 

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Aquafornia news JFleck at Inkstain

Blog: Senate hearing Thursday on tribal access to clean water: it takes more than just a pile of money

The U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Committee is holding an important hearing Thursday on S. 2385, a bill to refine the tools needed to help Tribal communities gain access to something that most non-Indian communities in the western United States have long taken for granted: federally subsidized systems to deliver safe, clean drinking water to our homes. … This is the sort of bill (there’s a companion on the House side) that makes a huge amount of sense, but could easily get sidetracked in the chaos of Congress. The ideal path is for the crucial vetting to happen in a process such as Thursday’s hearing, and then to attach it to one of those omnibus things that Congress uses these days to get non-controversial stuff done. Clean water for Native communities should pretty clearly be non-controversial.