Dive Deep into California Groundwater Issues on Feb. 8 Tour
Join one-day tour as an add-on to Water 101 Workshop in Sacramento
Go deep into one of California’s most pressing issues – groundwater - by visiting an extensometer that measures subsidence, an active aquifer storage and recovery well, a recycling facility that recharges water into the ground and more.
On our Feb. 8 Groundwater Tour that will move along and near the Sacramento and American rivers, you’ll also hear from organizations that are busy implementing California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
The tour is an optional add-on to our annual Water 101 Workshop on Feb. 7. One of our most popular events, the workshop details the history, geography, legal and political facets of water in California as well as hot topics currently facing the state. It will also include a focused session on groundwater.
By joining the tour the next day, you will get out in the field and gain a close-up look at groundwater issues and how groundwater resources are being managed in the Sacramento region. The tour will be led by Foundation staff and groundwater experts Thomas Harter and Carl Hauge, retired DWR chief hydrogeologist.
From groundwater quality, recharge and monitoring to the conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater, this tour covers it all.
Seating is limited, so sign up here soon!