Bay-Delta Tour 2015
Field Trip (past)
This 3-day, 2-night tour, which we do every year,
takes participants to the heart of California water policy – the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and San Francisco Bay.
Stops included the Delta Cross Channel, the city of Stockton, Bay-Delta model in Sausalito, Los Vaqueros Reservoir and Suisun Marsh. Issues discussed included Delta planning initiatives, the proposed twin tunnels, water project operations, fish passage, ecosystem restoration, levees and flood management, Delta agriculture, storage, and drinking water quality and water supply reliability. The tour begins and ends at Sacramento International Airport and includes a ferry ride across San Francisco Bay. See more details here.
The Water Education Foundation’s tours are action-packed field trips that offer participants a firsthand look at the water facilities, rivers and regions critical in the debate about the future of water resources. Issues of water supply, water quality, environmental restoration, flood management, groundwater and water conservation are addressed by a wide-range of speakers representing different viewpoints.