

Foundation News

Find out what the Water Education Foundation is up to with announcements about upcoming events, tours, new Western Water articles on key water topics and more! 

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Celebrate 40 Years of Water Education at our Anniversary Dinner
Join us Oct. 26 at the Sterling Hotel in Sacramento

When the Water Education Foundation first produced its iconic California water map in 1979, a side of beef donated by a rancher was raffled off at a major water conference to help fund its creation. Today, the maps are displayed at highway rest stops and offices up and down the state.

The hot water topic back in 1982 was the Peripheral Canal. When the Foundation first wrote about the proposal for Western Water magazine, some 10,000 extra copies were sold at 35 cents each.


Agricultural History and Habitat Restoration Come to Life on San Joaquin River Tour
Our two-day tour in November takes you into the heart of California's San Joaquin Valley

Explore more than 100 miles of Central California’s longest river while learning about one of the nation’s largest and costliest river restorations. Our San Joaquin River Restoration Tour on Nov. 1-2 will feature speakers from key governmental agencies and stakeholder groups who will explain the restoration program’s goals and progress.


Get Your Ticket to Our 40th Anniversary Celebration on Oct. 26 in Sacramento
Ticket sales now open for anniversary and Water Leaders reunion; proceeds benefit water education programs

Forty years ago, the Water Education Foundation opened its doors in Sacramento as a nonprofit, nonpolitical, tax-exempt educational organization.


Explore Key California Rivers on the Last Two Water Tours of the Year
Join us as we meander along the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers

The Sacramento and San Joaquin are the two major rivers in the Central Valley that feed the Delta, the hub of California’s water supply network.

Our last two water tours of 2017 will take in-depth looks at how these rivers are managed and used for agriculture, cities and the environment. You’ll see infrastructure, learn about efforts to restore salmon runs and talk to people with expertise on these rivers.


Build Your Reference Library
Visit our online store to purchase maps, publications and more

At the Water Education Foundation, we publish informative layperson’s guides, colorful water maps, and water awareness materials!

Here is a sampling of our most popular products, whose proceeds help to support our mission:


Northern California Tour Highlights Water Infrastructure
Visit key components of state and federal water projects

Each year, participants on the Northern California Water Tour enjoy three days exploring the Sacramento Valley during the temperate fall. Join us as we travel along the Sacramento and Feather rivers through a scenic landscape and  learn about issues associated with storing and delivering the state’s water supply.


Hot off the Press: New Western Water Magazine
Summer 2017 explores steps taken uner the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and what's next

In the Summer 2017 issue of Western Water, “Now Comes the Hard Part: Building Sustainable Groundwater Management in California,” Writer Gary Pitzer looks into the efforts of agencies beginning the task of bringing their basins to a level of sustainability in accordance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). California’s landmark 2014 law aims to repair the effects of decades of unmanaged groundwater pumping, which have left some parts of the state in “critical” overdraft.


Sale Ends Soon on Special Groundwater Education Packet
Poster map and guide combo only $20 until Aug. 31

What is groundwater? Where does it occur in California? What is an aquifer? What is overdraft? And how can groundwater be managed? These are all important things to understand in a state where 40 percent of the water supply comes from underground.

But what does an aquifer look like? And how is water extracted for use on farms and in homes? Those questions are illustrated on the Foundation’s beautiful California Groundwater Map poster, which was updated and re-designed earlier this year.


September Headwaters Tour Looks at Bark Beetle Epidemic
Entire tree species at risk of extinction in California’s forests

The Sierra Nevada mountains are dotted with orange and brown patches of dead trees. The U.S. Forest Service estimates with aerial surveys that more than 100 million trees have died in California this decade, 62 million dying in 2016 alone.


Get a Better Picture of California’s Groundwater Resources
Purchase the Foundation’s poster map and layperson’s guide at a special price for August only

What is groundwater? Where does it occur in California? What is an aquifer? What is overdraft? And how can groundwater be managed? These are all terms in the news as the state moves forward with implementation of the landmark Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).


Sponsor 40 Years of Water Education at Our October Anniversary

If you haven’t already heard, the Water Education Foundation is turning 40 this year!

We are celebrating in style on Oct. 26 in Sacramento, with the added bonus of a special reunion aimed at graduates of our Water Leaders program, which is celebrating its own 20th birthday.

Registration is coming soon but you or your organization can sponsor this special event now and secure seats at this limited capacity event. The highest sponsorship level secures a full table of 10 seats.


Headwaters Tour to Look at Impacts from California Wildfires to Water Supply, Quality
Regional experts will demonstrate links between healthy forests and watersheds during September tour

California’s 2017 fire season is underway, with several blazes threatening land, property and lives across the state. The impacts of a wildfire can linger long after the blaze has been extinguished. Runoff from burned areas can carry ashes, dirt and other debris into lakes and rivers, threatening wildlife and the quality of drinking water. Our Headwaters Tour, September 13 and 14, will examine this and other water-related issues in our forests. 


Latest Issue of River Report Explores System Conservation Efforts on Colorado River

River Report Summer 2017In the newly released Summer 2017 edition of River Report, Writer Gary Pitzer delves into the successes and challenges of the Colorado River Pilot Conservation Program.

The program was launched in 2014 as a collective effort by the federal government and major urban water suppliers to pay for water-saving measures strictly designed to create “system water” for the benefit of everyone.


Follow us on Social Media to Get the Latest Water News & Happenings
You can also follow our #TBT campaign as we countdown to our 40th anniversary celebration in October

You can keep up to date with events, tours and other comings and goings of the Water Education Foundation through social media.

We use our Twitter account @WaterEdFdn to keep you posted on our upcoming events and tours, and to list the top water stories from our week-day news aggregate known as Aquafornia. We also tweet and retweet breaking water news throughout the day.


Visit Oroville Dam and its Damaged Spillway in October on Northern California Water Tour
Meet with top officials coordinating repair efforts; learn what led to the crisis

In 2017, it is likely that no other water story grabbed as many headlines in California and across the country as the flood incident at Oroville Dam, the centerpiece of the State Water Project and its largest water storage facility.

On our upcoming Northern California Tour, we will spend time at the Oroville Dam visitor’s center and meet with California Department of Water Resources staff. You’ll see drone footage from February’s flood incident, learn the engineering background on what led to it, and hear about plans to stabilize the spillway before the next winter storms and to finalize repairs by 2018.


Follow us on Social Media as We Countdown to our 40th Anniversary with #TBT Posts

The Water Education Foundation is gearing up to mark its 40th anniversary on Oct. 26, 2017 as a widely respected nonprofit that provides factual information on water issues in California and across the West.

Starting today, follow us on Twitter or Facebook as we countdown to our celebration with historical snippets and photos each Thursday (#tbt, aka throwback Thursday) using the hashtag #40YearsStrong


Project WET Offers Free Workshops on Water Topics for Educators Across California
Topics include water conservation, climate change and Next Generation Science Standards

The Water Education Foundation is the California coordinator of Project WET (Water Education for Teachers), an international, award-winning nonprofit water education program and publisher.

California Project WET works with water agencies, water research scientists, professors of teacher education and after-school program directors to provide high-quality professional development trainings for K-12 educators working in and out of the classroom.


Join us for a ‘Test-Run’ of a Delta Landscapes Guide
Free July 25 workshop in West Sacramento

Restoration practitioners, Delta landowners, regulators and others are invited to attend a free July 25 workshop to help test-run and develop a user’s guide to Delta restoration based on the Delta Landscapes Project.

The Delta Landscapes Project (funded by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife) seeks ways to achieve better restoration results by understanding how the natural systems in the Delta originally functioned during the early 1800s, before the California Gold Rush and subsequent landscape-level changes.


Explore the Upper Watershed on September Headwaters Tour
Two-day tour examines the role of upper watersheds in water supply, quality; overnights in Lake Tahoe

Sixty percent of California’s developed water supply originates high in the Sierra Nevada. Thus, the state’s water supply is largely dependent on the health of Sierra forests, which are suffering from ecosystem degradation, drought, wildfires and widespread tree mortality.

Join us as we head into the Sierra foothills and the mountains to examine water issues that happen upstream but have dramatic impacts downstream and throughout California.


Registration Underway for Free Briefing about Land Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley
Tickets going fast for Aug. 16 event at Fresno State

Learn about land subsidence problems caused by groundwater pumping in the San Joaquin Valley and what is being done to monitor the critical conditions at a free briefing Aug. 16 at Fresno State.

Land subsidence caused by groundwater pumping has resulted in subsidence rates in excess of 1 foot per year in some parts of the region, putting state and federal aqueducts and flood control structures at risk of damage.