

Foundation News

Find out what the Water Education Foundation is up to with announcements about upcoming events, tours, new Western Water articles on key water topics and more! 

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Logo for Water Leaders alumni

Water Leaders Alumni Reunion In October Marks 25th Anniversary of Preeminent Leadership Program
Reunion headlines fall programming, including our annual water summit and tours of the state's two largest rivers

We are gearing up to mark the 25th anniversary of our Water Leaders class by holding a reunion this fall for the many scientists, farmers, environmentalists, water managers, lawyers, engineers and others who have gone through our program over the years.

The Oct. 26 reunion by the American River will be held the day before our annual Water Summit, which will be open to all interested. 

Registration is coming soon for the reunion and the Water Summit, but you can sign up now for our fall tours, which will take journeys along California’s two longest rivers. Seats are already filling up! Check out the details below to learn more about these upcoming programs.

Aerial view of Lake Shasta, showing the effects of drought

Registration Now Open for Northern California & San Joaquin River Restoration Tours
Join our fall tours focused on California's two largest rivers to explore drought impacts, salmon restoration efforts and more

Register today for the return of our in-person fall tours offering participants a firsthand look at issues such as drought along California’s two longest rivers, which have implications for the entire state.

Our Northern California Tour explores the Sacramento River and its tributaries to learn about key reservoirs and infrastructure that conveys vital water resources across California. Our San Joaquin River Restoration Tour returns this year to dive into the story of bringing back the river’s chinook salmon population while balancing water supply needs.


Mark Your Calendars for the Foundation’s Fall Programs Including Water Leaders Reunion
Save the Dates for our Annual Water Summit & Tours of the State's Two Largest Rivers

​Mark your calendars now for our full schedule of fall programs, including a reunion of our Water Leaders graduates to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the program as well as the in-person return of our 38th annual Water Summit.

Our fall programming also includes tours exploring California’s two largest rivers, the Sacramento and the San Joaquin, to learn more about infrastructure, the impacts on farms and habitat from a third year of drought and salmon restoration efforts.

Check out the details below to learn more about these fall programs.


2021 Annual Report Recaps Water Education Efforts in California And the West Amid a Global Pandemic
Water Education Foundation report highlights a year of challenges, accomplishment and gratitude

Cover image of the 2021 Annual ReportThe Water Education Foundation’s just-released 2021 Annual Report recaps how, even amid the ongoing global pandemic, we continued educating about the most crucial natural resource in California and the West — water. 

The annual report takes readers along to see the array of educational events, trainings and articles we produced last year, including engaging virtual water tours that educated participants on pressing water issues and allowed them to interact with each other and a wide range of experts offering different viewpoints. 


Latest Western Water Article Examines How Groundwater Managers Are Reworking ‘Incomplete’ Plans to Meet Sustainability Goals
More than half of the most critically overdrawn basins, mainly in the San Joaquin Valley, are racing against a July deadline to retool their plans and avoid state intervention

Managers of California’s most overdrawn aquifers were given a monumental task under the state’s landmark Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: Craft viable, detailed plans on a 20-year timeline to bring their beleaguered basins into balance. Altogether, they submitted plans for 20 basins for review by the California Department of Water Resources in January 2020. Earlier this year, DWR rendered its verdict: Most of the basin plans were incomplete.

Now groundwater agencies responsible for 12 of those basins are racing to meet a late July deadline to submit revised plans that measure up to SGMA’s requirements or risk the state stepping in to manage their groundwater basins. Despite the state’s verdict, some groundwater managers say they believe they’re well on their way to making the changes needed to ultimately win the state’s approval.

In our latest article, Western Water explored the array of challenges these groundwater managers face in getting their sustainability plans to fulfill the state’s requirements, how some agencies were able to largely meet the state’s expectations, and what lies ahead for those plans that fell short.


Virtual Ticket Now Available for Thursday Workshop Focused on ‘Getting Ahead of the Storms’
Join Special One-Day Event in Irvine Remotely That Will Highlight Latest Science in Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting

Lake Oroville shows the effects of drought in July 2021, with little water in an arm of the lake.You can now remotely attend a special one-day workshop this Thursday in Southern California to learn about the latest advancements in sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting — weather predictions from two weeks to a season ahead — and how these predictions can improve management of water infrastructure including dams, flood storage and reservoirs to ensure water is available for urban, agricultural and environmental purposes.

As climate change continues to make our reliance on historical patterns to forecast California’s water supply increasingly unreliable, what new science, models and technology are being brought to bear on efforts to ‘get ahead of the storms’ and improve drought management?

To find out, register now to attend the workshop this Thursday, June 9, either in person in Irvine or via Zoom. 

The one-day workshop, Making Progress on Drought Management: Improvements in Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting, is sponsored by the California Department of Water Resources in partnership with the Water Education Foundation. In-person registration is still available until the day of the workshop.


Last Chance to Sign Up & ‘Get Ahead of the Storms’ at June 9 Workshop in Southern California
Special One-Day Event in Irvine will Focus on Better Drought Management through Improved Precipitation Forecasting

Lake Oroville shows the effects of drought in July 2021, with little water in an arm of the lake.California’s 2021-2022 water year went from a relatively wet October-December beginning to the driest January-March period in the state’s history. That has left most of the state’s vast network of surface water reservoirs including Lake Oroville, a key Northern California reservoir that sends water to Southern California, now below historic average going into the dry, summer months.

With our reliance on historical patterns to forecast California’s water supply becoming increasingly unreliable, what new science, models and technology are being brought to bear on efforts to ‘get ahead of the storms’ and improve drought management?

Don’t miss your opportunity to find out at our special one-day workshop June 9 in Irvine.


We’re Hiring! Join the Water Education Foundation Team as our Development Director

Join the team at the Water Education Foundation, a highly respected and impartial nonprofit that has been a trusted source of water news and educational programming in California and across the West for more than 40 years.  

We have a full-time opening for a dynamic, strategic and energetic development director to generate grant support and other funding for programs carried out by our events and journalism teams. 


Keep Up to Date With the West’s Rapidly Escalating Drought
Foundation's All Things Drought resource page includes newsfeed, helpful conservation tips, weekly drought severity map & answers to common questions

Lake Mendocino shows the effects of drought in April 2021. Heading into a third consecutive summer of drought, California and the West are facing stark water challenges. 

Water levels in many of California’s largest reservoirs are significantly below average, and the state’s Sierra snowpack that helps replenish many of them into the early summer is largely gone. Plummeting reservoir levels have triggered sharp cuts to water deliveries for thirsty farms and cities, prompting state and local officials to plead for the public to conserve remaining supplies. Declining reservoir levels are also expected to curb generation of hydroelectricity, a crucial source of power during hot summer months.    

For anyone trying to stay current with the unfolding drought in California and the West, the Water Education Foundation’s journalism team has created All Things Drought, a special resource page that offers links to real-time reservoir data and water supply forecasts, an ongoing newsfeed to help you stay up to date on the latest news and tips so you can help conserve the region’s most precious natural resource.


Agenda Now Posted for Special June 9 Workshop in Southern California on Precipitation Forecasting & Drought Management
One-Day Event in Irvine will Help Water Managers 'Get Ahead of the Storms' to Better Manage Drought

Lake Oroville shows the effects of drought in July 2021, with little water in an arm of the lake.California’s vast network of surface water reservoirs is designed to hold carryover storage from year to year to ensure water is available for urban, agricultural and environmental purposes during dry months and years.

But climate change has begun to affect our reliance on historical weather patterns to predict California’s water supply, making it even more difficult for water managers to manage drought conditions and placing a greater emphasis on better precipitation forecasting at longer lead times.

Learn about efforts being made to ‘get ahead of the storms’ through new science, models and technology at our special one-day workshop June 9 in Irvine, Making Progress on Drought Management: Improvements in Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting. The event is sponsored by the California Department of Water Resources in partnership with the Water Education Foundation.


Improvements in Forecasting to Better Manage Drought Is Focus of June 9 Workshop in Southern California
Registration Open for Irvine Event Highlighting Latest Science in Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting

Lake Oroville shows the effects of drought in July 2021, with little water in an arm of the lake.How can California water managers get ahead of the storms to improve drought management? A special one-day workshop June 9 in Irvine will highlight some of the latest research on seasonal precipitation forecasting that could help water managers across the state plan better for what winter might bring.

The workshop, Making Progress on Drought Management: Improvements in Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting, is sponsored by the California Department of Water Resources in partnership with the Water Education Foundation.


Latest Science in Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting Focus of June 9 Workshop in Southern California
Registration Open for Irvine Event Highlighting How Improvements in Forecasting are Helping to Better Manage Drought

Lake Oroville shows the effects of drought in July 2021, with little water in an arm of the lake.With the recent news that California has officially begun 2022 with its lowest January through April precipitation level since 1895, how reliable are the historical patterns traditionally used to forecast California’s water supply? Tomorrow’s weather forecast may be spot on, but can we ever get accurate precipitation forecasts weeks to months in advance?

To get the answers, register today for Making Progress on Drought Management: Improvements in Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting, a one-day workshop June 9 in Irvine sponsored by the California Department of Water Resources in partnership with the Water Education Foundation.


Join Online Groundwater Short Course Starting May 12
Check out our monthly events calendar for details on this course and other water events in California

Photo of groundwater gushing into a percolation basin An online short course starting Thursday will provide registrants the opportunity to learn more about how groundwater is monitored, assessed and sustainably managed.

The class, offered by University of California, Davis and several other organizations in cooperation with the Water Education Foundation, will be held May 12, 19, 26 and June 2, 16 from 9 a.m. to noon.

Aerial view of Lake Shasta, showing the effects of drought

Save the Date for Our Fall Tours Exploring California’s Two Largest Rivers
Join our tours focused on the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers to learn more about drought impacts, salmon restoration efforts

Mark your calendars now for our upcoming fall 2022 tours exploring California’s two largest rivers – the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers! 

On our Northern California Tour, Oct. 12-14, participants can learn about key reservoirs and infrastructure that transports vital water resources statewide. Our San Joaquin River Restoration Tour Nov. 2-3 returns this year to tell the story of bringing back a river’s chinook salmon while balancing water supply needs. Registration is coming soon!


Just Seven Hours Left to Support Your Favorite Water Nonprofit on Big Day of Giving
You have until midnight to give a tax-deductible donation

Consider giving a tax-deductible donation on this Big Day of Giving to help the Water Education Foundation continue being your resource for in-depth, impartial information on drought, water rights, groundwater, water quality and other water resource issues.

We have a goal of $10,000 and we just hit $6,000. Thank you to those who contributed, including those who attended our open house!

Big Day of Giving logo

Support Your Favorite Water Nonprofit on Big Day Of Giving
And join us today until 5:30 p.m. for our open house!

On this Big Day of Giving help the Water Education Foundation continue being your resource for in-depth, impartial information on drought, water rights, groundwater, water quality and other water resource issues.

Donate here today! You have until midnight to make it count!

Your contribution today will help us to:


Big Day of Giving Is Today! Help Us Continue Our Work with a Donation!
Stop by our open house this afternoon to meet our team and check out our latest events and programs

Big Day of Giving is today, and your donation can help the Water Education Foundation continue its work to enhance public understanding about California’s most important natural resource – water.

Big Day of Giving is an annual 24-hour online event aimed at raising funds for nonprofits and highlighting the good work they do. You can make your Big Day of Giving tax-deductible donation until midnight tonight.


Stop by Our Open House May 5 and Help Us Continue Educating About Water in California and the West With a Donation
Meet our staff and learn about the Foundation's tours, Water Leaders programs and News & Publications

We’re holding an open house and reception Thursday in conjunction with Big Day of Giving, a 24-hour online event aimed at raising funds for nonprofits and highlighting the good work they do in their communities.

As a nonprofit, we are “mission-driven, but revenue-dependent.” Please show your support and make a tax-deductible donation today by clicking here. You can donate through midnight on Thursday, May 5. And if you donate using a Golden 1 debit or credit card, Golden 1 will proportionally match its members’ donations to all nonprofits up to $100,000.


Big Day of Giving is Nearly Here! Help Us Continue Our Work with a Donation!
Stop by our open house May 5 to meet our staff and check out our latest events and programs

logo for big day of giving Big Day of Giving is in just two weeks, but you can make a donation today to help the Foundation continue its work to enhance public understanding about the most important natural resource in California and the West — water.

Big Day of Giving is an annual 24-hour online event aimed at raising funds for nonprofits and highlighting the good work they do. You can make your Big Day of Giving donation from now until midnight May 5.

If you donate $50 or more, you will receive your choice of one of our beautiful water maps. And if you donate $100 or more, you will get a map plus a $100 voucher for one of our upcoming 2022 water tours! And if you donate using a Golden 1 debit or credit card, Golden 1 will proportionally match its members’ donations up to $100,000. 

Participants on the Central Valley Tour

Last Chance to Sign Up for Central Valley Tour; Save the Date for Water Leaders Alum Reunion; Meet our Team at an Open House

  • Don’t miss your once-a-year chance to go on our Central Valley Tour and visit the epicenter of California’s drought and groundwater sustainability efforts across one of the nation’s most critical agricultural landscapes. Registration ends this Friday, April 15, at noon.
  • If you’re a graduate of our Water Leaders program, save the date for a reunion event in October to mark the 25th anniversary of our program!
  • Swing by our new Sacramento office during our May 5 open house.