

Foundation News

Find out what the Water Education Foundation is up to with announcements about upcoming events, tours, new Western Water articles on key water topics and more! 

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Reserve Your Spot for a Virtual Journey into California’s Water Hub
'Seating' is limited for next Thursday's Bay-Delta Tour that includes overview presentation, exclusive video tour screening and live Q&A with experts in chat rooms

The Delta map at Big Break Regional ShorelineJoin us next Thursday, Sept. 9, for an engaging online Bay-Delta Tour that will feature live Q&A with key experts on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the state’s vital water hub and the West Coast’s largest freshwater tidal estuary.

You’ll learn about Delta ecosystem restoration, impacts to ocean fisheries from changes in the Delta, agriculture and municipal water use and the Delta’s role in supplying water to Southern California. You’ll hear from farmers, fish biologists, water managers, people working on restoration efforts and more. Plus, you’ll get your hands on the newest update of our Layperson’s Guide to the Delta, published in 2020.

‘Seating’ on the virtual tour bus is limited, though, so get your ticket here!


2020 Annual Report Recaps Water Education Efforts in California And the West Amid a Global Pandemic
Water Education Foundation report highlights a year of challenges, accomplishment and gratitude

The Water Education Foundation’s just-released 2020 Annual Report recaps how, even in the midst of a global pandemic, we continued educating about the most crucial natural resource in California and the West – water. 

The annual report takes readers along to see the array of educational events, trainings and articles we produced last year, including engaging virtual water tours that educated participants on pressing water issues and allowed them to interact with each other and a wide range of experts offering different viewpoints. 


Latest Western Water Article Examines Effort To Revive Mexico’s Colorado River Delta Despite Chronic Drought
Experimental flows aim to revive trees, provide habitat for birds and wildlife and buffer climate change impacts

Water is flowing once again in the Colorado River’s delta in Mexico, a vast region that was once a natural splendor before the iconic Western river was dammed and diverted, leaving the delta a desert. Now an audacious multi-year experiment, brokered under a binational agreement, is releasing river water into the delta floodplain to provide habitat for birds and wildlife as well as buffer climate change impacts. 

Our latest article in Western Water examined the restoration flows, what conservation groups and others hope to accomplish and how a multi-decade drought that is forcing water cuts for some Colorado River water users could affect the effort.

Announcement Layperson's Guide to the Delta

Explore California’s Vital Water Hub During Sept. 9 Virtual Journey
Join us online for diverse views & conversations on hot topics during our Bay-Delta Tour

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the largest estuary on the West Coast, is a vital hub in California’s complex water delivery system as well as a rich farming region, an important wetlands area – and often, a source of conflict.

Join us for an engaging online journey on Sept. 9 to go deep into the Delta and its 720,000-acre network of islands and canals that supports the state’s two large water systems - the State Water Project and the federal Central Valley Project.


Join our Team to Help Educate About the West’s Most Precious Natural Resource
We're seeking someone keenly interested in water issues to plan conferences, workshops and do multimedia; we also are looking for freelancers to help with writing & editing

Water Education Foundation logoThe Water Education Foundation has a full-time job opening for a programs and communications manager  interested in educating and informing the public about our most vital natural resource — water.

In addition, our news and publication team is looking for freelance writers with deep knowledge and experience covering water issues in California and the Colorado River Basin.


Water Summit and Headwaters Tour to go Virtual this Fall

The Water Education Foundation was hoping to host a few in-person events this fall (and you told us in a survey that you wanted us to) but with the rise in the Delta variant of COVID-19 cases, we have decided to present our Water Summit and Headwaters Tour in a virtual format.

However, while our annual Water Summit will be virtual on Oct. 28, we are hoping to include an optional outdoor reception aboard a boat for a Sacramento River cruise. Stay tuned for details!


Grab Your Ticket for Virtual Journey into California’s Water Hub
Bay-Delta Tour includes overview presentation, exclusive video tour screening and live Q&A with experts in chat rooms

Join us for a Sept. 9 virtual journey into California’s most critical and controversial water region in the state, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and learn how the drought is impacting water quality and supply.

The Delta, a 720,000-acre network of islands and canals, supports the state’s two large water systems – the State Water Project and the federal Central Valley Project – and, together with the San Francisco Bay, forms an important ecological resource. 


Registration Open for Virtual Journeys Into Key Water Regions This Fall
Engaging Online Events Include Overview Presentations, Guided Video Tours & Live Q&A With Experts in Chat Rooms

Immerse yourself in California’s key water sources this fall with the Foundation’s schedule of engaging virtual tours. 

Each tour event will run from 2:30-5:30 p.m. PT and includes:

  • An overview presentation of the region’s critical topics
  • A guided video tour of key locations — farms, wetlands, dams and reservoirs, wildlife habitats — to gain a stronger understanding on a variety of water supply issues and the latest policy developments
  • Live Q&A with experts in chat rooms so participants can dive deeper into the topics, including the drought gripping California.

As part of the events, participants will receive a copy of one of our Layperson’s Guides and be entered into a drawing to win one of our beautiful water maps.


We’re Moving! Please Update Our Contact Information
Foundation Office Moves Closer to Confluence of Sacramento & American Rivers

We’re moving! Please update your contact information for the Water Education Foundation.

Starting Aug. 2, our office will be located near the confluence of the Sacramento and American rivers, on the fringe of downtown Sacramento.

Our new address is 2151 River Plaza Drive, Suite 205, Sacramento CA 95833.

Our phone number (916-444-6240) is not changing, but we will still be working in hybrid mode and sending an email is always the quickest way to get a response.


Whet Your Interest in Water With Our Array of Accessible Online Resources
Access the latest articles from our journalism team, keep on top of drought news and tap into our water encyclopedia

Curious about the significance of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta? Looking for the latest information on the drought hitting California and the West? Want to read up on some of the historic figures in California water?

The Water Education Foundation has an array of online resources to help you keep up with what’s new, what you need to know and what you might be curious about involving water in California and the West.


Save the Dates for our Fall Events, Join our Team, Check Out Our Drought Page and Moving Sale
Foundation planning to offer a mix of in-person & online tours & events

Dear Friends and Supporters of the Water Education Foundation!

We hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

At the Foundation, we are busy preparing to move to a new office near the confluence of the Sacramento and American rivers, planning a blend of virtual and in-person programming for the fall and offering a sale on our beautiful water maps and guides so we don’t have to move them. 


We’re Hiring! Join the Foundation as a Programs and Communications Manager
We're seeking someone keenly interested in water issues to plan conferences, workshops and do multimedia

Join the team at the Water Education Foundation, a nonprofit that has been a trusted source of water news and educational programs in California and across the West for more than 40 years.

We have a full-time opening for an enthusiastic, team-oriented, multitasking Programs & Communications Manager at our office in Sacramento.


There’s Still Time to Save 30% On Water Maps, Guides and More During Our Moving Sale!
We’re relocating our office, so now’s the time to build out your water library and save some money

maps imageWe’re in the final weeks of our moving sale as we prepare to head to new quarters next month, so you still have a little time left to knock 30 percent off the price of our water maps, Layperson’s Guides, DVDs and more.

Use the code MOVINGSALE when you check out to claim your 30 percent discount and get those updated maps, guides and DVDs you’ve wanted.


Latest Western Water Article Examines How Las Vegas Will Cope With Thirstier Days As Climate Change Turns Up the Heat
Aggressive conservation efforts could provide examples for Southwestern cities

Las Vegas, known for its searing summertime heat and glitzy casino fountains, is projected to get even hotter in the coming years as climate change intensifies. As temperatures rise, water demand for the desert community is expected to spike. That is not good news in a fast-growing region that depends largely on a limited supply of water from an already drought-stressed Colorado River. 

Our latest article in Western Water examines how authorities are responding, trying to wring more water savings out of everything from ice machines and grassy medians to industrial cooling towers, an aggressive conservation effort that could provide examples for communities throughout the Southwest.


New Resource Page Keeps You Up-To-Date with Drought Gripping West
Foundation-created resource page includes newsfeed, helpful conservation tips, weekly drought severity map & answers to commonly asked questions

For anyone trying to keep up with the unfolding drought in California and the West, the Water Education Foundation has created a special resource page that offers links to real-time reservoir data and water supply forecasts, an ongoing newsfeed to help you stay up to date on the latest news and tips so you can help conserve the region’s most precious natural resource.


Save 30% Off Maps, Guides and More So We Don’t Have to Move Them!
We’re moving soon, so now’s the time to build out your water library and save some money while you save our backs!

maps imageWe’re moving later this summer to new quarters closer to the Sacramento River, and we don’t want to haul all of our water maps, Layperson’s Guides, DVDs and more to the new home. So we’re making you a limited-time offer we hope you can’t refuse: Take 30 percent off the price of all of our maps, guides and more.

Use the code MOVINGSALE when you check out to get your 30 percent discount.


Update on Water Education Foundation 2021 Programming Schedule
Fall Tours and Events Being Assessed with an Abundance of Caution

The Water Education Foundation has hosted successful virtual tours and events during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now closely monitoring developments – as capacity and distancing restrictions are lifted from public health guidelines this summer – to inform the format choices for our fall programs.


A Few Virtual Seats Remain for Thursday’s Lower Colorado River Tour, Last Tour Until Fall
Explore the iconic river and engage directly with experts discussing 20-plus year drought

A few seats are left on the Foundation’s virtual tour bus for our Lower Colorado River Tour this Thursday, May 20. It’s our last tour of the spring, so register now to hear from a range of Colorado River experts and visit key sites including California’s first Salton Sea pilot restoration project, now under construction.

This once-a-year tour will focus on how the Lower Basin states of California, Nevada and Arizona are using and managing the river’s water in the midst of a two-decade-long drought while demand continues to grow from myriad sources — increasing population, declining habitat and climate change.


Last Chance to Register for Next Week’s Lower Colorado River Tour
Learn about the iconic river directly from experts during this engaging virtual journey May 20

Photo of Tina Shields, Imperial Irrigation DistrictOnly one week remains to register for our May 20 virtual Lower Colorado River Tour where you can hear directly from experts offering a range of perspectives on the most contested and meticulously managed river in the United States. Practically every drop of water in the Colorado River is already allocated, but pressure on the hard-working river continues to grow from myriad sources — increasing population, declining habitat and climate change.

Photo of Brian Golding, Sr., Fort Yuma Quechan Indian TribeThe 1,450-mile Colorado River is a lifeline to 40 million people in the Southwest across seven states and Mexico, but a 20-plus year drought in the basin has significantly dropped water levels in Lake Mead and Lake Powell — the river’s largest reservoirs.

This once-a-year tour will focus on how the Lower Basin states of California, Nevada and Arizona are using and managing the river’s water in that unprecedented context.


Just Six Hours Left to Support Your Favorite Water Nonprofit on Big Day of Giving
You have until midnight to give a tax-deductible donation

Consider giving a tax-deductible donation on this Big Day of Giving to help the Water Education Foundation continue being your resource for in-depth, impartial information on drought, water rights, groundwater, environmental restoration, water quality and other water resource issues.

We have a goal of $10,000 and we just hit $8,000. Thank you to those who contributed during our open house!