

Foundation News

Find out what the Water Education Foundation is up to with announcements about upcoming events, tours, new Western Water articles on key water topics and more! 

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Updated Layperson’s Guide to Water Rights Law Hot Off the Press
Latest edition of the Guide offers a "mini-textbook" to history, key issues and changes in water law

Our popular Layperson’s Guide to Water Rights Law has just been updated with an extensive section on groundwater rights and the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act as well as the latest significant court cases governing how water is used in California. 

This 28-page Layperson’s Guide, recognized as the most thorough explanation of California water rights law available to non-lawyers, traces the authority for water flowing in a stream or reservoir, from a faucet or into an irrigation ditch through the complex web of California water rights.


Join Q&A Session for 2021 Water Leaders Class & Applications
Learn more about the program and get tips on applying during Nov. 17 online event

A group photo with the 2019 Water Leaders on our Lower Colorado River tour.One of our most popular programs, the Water Leaders class is aimed at providing a deeper understanding of California water issues and building leadership skills with class members by studying a water-related topic in-depth and working with a mentor. 

Are you considering apply for the 2021 class or supporting a candidate? Join us at 3 p.m. on Nov. 17 for a 30-minute Q&A session with Foundation Executive Director Jenn Bowles, who will offer details on the program and tips on completing an application.

Register here for the Zoom Q&A session!


Visit Oroville and Shasta Dams, Rice Farms, Wetlands and More During a Virtual Journey through Northern California
Spend an afternoon touring the region virtually and participating in a live Q&A with experts

Reconstructed Oroville SpillwaySign up for next week’s Nov. 12 virtual Northern California Tour, which will take you through a region key to water supply for much of the state.

During the three-hour online event, you’ll get up close to Oroville Dam and learn how its two spillways were repaired following a catastrophic 2017 storm. You’ll also visit rice farms and wetlands in the Sacramento Valley, and hear from farmers and environmentalists about efforts to restore runs of endangered chinook salmon and help birds along the Pacific Flyway. You’ll also visit Shasta Dam and the area being eyed for the proposed Sites Reservoir. Get your ticket for the “bus” here


Immerse Yourself in California’s Key Water Sources During Upcoming Virtual Journeys
Get your ticket for our Bay-Delta Tour Encore and/or Northern California Tour

Tickets are going fast for our three-hour virtual journeys into key California water sources.

Registration is open for our:

Bay-Delta Tour: Nov. 10

Aerial view of Sacramento-San Joaquin DeltaIf you missed our October Bay-Delta Tour, you can join us Nov. 10 for an encore. This tour traverses the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, a 720,000-acre network of islands and canals that serves as California’s most crucial water and ecological resource. Hear from farmers, fish biologists, people working on restoration efforts and more!

Northern California Tour: Nov. 12

Aerial view of Shasta Dam and Lake Shasta.Explore the  Sacramento River and its tributaries and gain a deeper understanding of the issues associated with a key source of the state’s water supply. Visit Oroville and Shasta dams, rice fields and wildlife refuges, and hear from farmers, biologists and water managers.

Each virtual tour event will include:

  • An overview presentation of the region’s critical topics
  • A guided video tour of key locations — farms, wetlands, dams and reservoirs, wildlife habitats — to gain a stronger understanding on a variety of water supply issues and the latest policy developments
  • Live Q&A with experts featured in the video so attendees can dive deeper into the topics

As part of each event, participants will receive one of our popular Layperson’s Guides and be entered into a drawing to win one of our beautiful water maps.

Attendees should make sure they download the latest version of Zoom before the event.


Grab Your Ticket for Nov. 12 Virtual “NorCal” Journey into California’s Key Water Source
See dates for all fall virtual journeys that include overview presentation, exclusive video tour screenings and live Q&A with experts

Water Education Foundation staff on the road filming for the Northern California Tour. Join us for an engaging virtual exploration of the Sacramento River and its tributaries to learn about issues associated with a key source for the state’s water supply on our Nov. 12 Northern California Tour.  

In addition to the Northern California Tour, you can join us for an encore Bay-Delta Tour Nov. 10 and other virtual journeys into key water regions across California.


Help Support Water Education in California Through Payroll Deductions
Consider a gift through workplace giving campaigns underway for federal and state agencies, private employers

Attendees listen to a presentation at the Foundation's Water 101 WorkshopThe Water Education Foundation is fortunate to have generous supporters who have answered the call to make contributions through a workplace giving campaign. The contributions support our nonprofit’s mission to inspire understanding of water and catalyze critical conversations to build bridges and inform collaborative decision-making.

This year, we hope you’ll consider making a tax-deductible gift to the Foundation via a one-time payroll deduction or as a set amount per pay period through your employer.


Applications for 2021 Water Leaders Class Now Available
Apply by Dec. 21 for program that promotes a deeper understanding of statewide water issues

Water Leaders program for early to mid-career water professionalsApplications are now available for our yearlong Water Leaders class.

One of our most popular programs, the Water Leaders class is aimed at providing a deeper understanding of California water issues and building leadership skills with class members by studying a water-related topic in-depth and working with a mentor. 


Support Water Education in California Through Workplace Giving
Foundation is now part of federal, state and private programs allowing donations through payroll deductions

It’s workplace giving season, the time of year when anyone in the workplace can show their support for the organizations and causes they love.

If you have come on one of our water tours, participated in our Water Leaders program or are a loyal reader of our Western Water articles or weekday Aquafornia water news feed, you can now support us though a payroll deduction at your workplace, whether it’s a federal or state agency or in the private-sector.


Join the Waitlist for our Virtual Bay-Delta Tour to Get Priority ‘Seating’ for Encore Event
First of our fall virtual journeys has sold out; Save the dates for engaging online water events that remain

Virtual Bay Delta Tour scenes from shooting videoOur virtual Bay-Delta Tour set for tomorrow (Oct. 8) has sold out, but you can still join the waitlist and receive priority access to an encore Bay-Delta Tour event later this fall if there’s enough interest!

In addition to the Bay-Delta Tour, you can join us later this fall for other engaging virtual journeys into key water regions across California


Applications for 2021 Water Leaders Class Coming Soon!
Program gives big-picture view of California, fosters deeper understanding of water and pairs class members with mentors

Water Leader alums (clockwise, from top left) Newsha Ajami, Martha Guzman Aceves, Dave Mooney, Sean MaguireFun, friendship, invaluable contacts, exposure to different viewpoints, core knowledge and a big-picture view of California water are all elements of our popular and respected Water Leaders program aimed at early to mid-career professionals.

Alums include Sean Maguire, State Water Resources Control Board member; Newsha Ajami, director of Urban Water Policy at Stanford University’s Water in the West; Dave Mooney, Bay-Delta office manager, Bureau of Reclamation; and Martha Guzman Aceves, a commissioner with the California Public Utilities Commission.


2019 Annual Report Recaps Water Education Efforts in California And the West
Water Education Foundation report highlights year of accomplishment; gratitude to supporters

The Water Education Foundation’s just-released 2019 Annual Report takes readers along to see the array of educational events, trainings and articles we produced last year to create a better understanding of water resources in California and the Southwest.

The Annual Report, whose release was delayed due to impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, recaps the Foundation’s efforts for the year in words and photos.


Join the Waitlist for our Virtual Bay-Delta Tour to Get Priority ‘Seating’ for Encore Event
First of our fall virtual journeys has sold out; Save the dates for engaging online water events that remain

Virtual Bay Delta Tour scenes from shooting videoOur virtual Bay-Delta Tour set for Oct. 8 has sold out, but you can still join the waitlist in case ’seats’ open up.

Those who have signed up for the waitlist will receive priority access to an encore Bay-Delta Tour event later this fall if there’s enough interest!

In addition to the Bay-Delta Tour, you can join us later this fall for other engaging virtual journeys into key water regions across California. As part of each event, participants will receive one of our popular Layperson’s Guides and be entered into a drawing to win one of our beautiful water maps


Grab Your Ticket for Virtual Journey into California’s Water Hub
See dates for all fall virtual journeys that include overview presentation, exclusive video tour screenings and live Q&A with experts

Join us this fall for engaging virtual journeys into key water regions across California, including our Oct. 8 Bay-Delta Tour.

Virtual Bay Delta Tour scenes from shooting videoEach tour event will include:

  • An overview presentation of the region’s critical topics
  • A guided video tour of key locations — farms, wetlands, dams and reservoirs, wildlife habitats — to gain a stronger understanding on a variety of water supply issues and the latest policy developments
  • Live Q&A with experts featured in the video so attendees can dive deeper into the topics

As part of each event, participants will receive one of our popular Layperson’s Guides and be entered into a drawing to win one of our beautiful water maps.


Registration Open for Virtual Journey into Key California Water Region
Bay-Delta Tour includes overview presentation, exclusive video tour screening and live Q&A with experts on the state's vital water hub

Aerial view of a part of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.Join us for an Oct. 8 virtual journey into California’s most critical and controversial water region in the state: The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

The Delta, a 720,000-acre network of islands and canals, supports the state’s two large water systems – the State Water Project and the federal Central Valley Project – and together with the San Francisco Bay is an important ecological resource. 


Project WET Offers Oct. 3 Hybrid Workshop for Educators in Sacramento Region
Check out other fall workshops on water science, geography, technology and more!

There’s still time for K-12 educators in the Sacramento region to sign up for an Oct. 3 workshop exploring activities to engage students in the study of local watersheds and their connections to the Pacific Ocean.

The workshop is part of Project WET (now called Water Education Today), an international, award-winning nonprofit water education program and publisher of materials geared toward K-12 educators. The Water Education Foundation is the coordinator for Project WET in California.

Register here by Sept. 25 for the Oct. 3 workshop that includes an online study at your own pace and a socially distanced field trip at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center along the American River. Cost is $18.00 (plus a nominal Eventbrite fee) and includes a copy of the Project WET 2.0 and Aquatic WILD guides.


Latest Western Water Article Examines Major Report That Tries to Make Sense of Science Vital to the Colorado River’s Management
Report could improve understanding of Colorado River hydrology and aid water managers as they rewrite river's operating rules

Practically every drop of water that flows through the meadows, canyons and plains of the Colorado River Basin has reams of science attached to it.

Snowpack, streamflow and tree ring data all influence the crucial decisions that guide water management of the iconic Western river every day.

Our latest article in Western Water news examines a new report that synthesizes and provides context for that science and could aid water managers as they prepare to rewrite the operating rules for a river system so vital to the Southwestern United States and Mexico.


Foundation Unveils New Water Equity Page and Newsfeed, Publishes Disadvantaged Communities Handbook
Handbook aimed at helping with engagement to solve water problems

water faucet with a drip of waterIn California and across the West, some people face persistent challenges in trying to gain access to safe, reliable and affordable water to meet their everyday needs. In some cases, people are left without water as wells run dry during drought or they have no access at all to running water – a troubling deficit when hand washing is touted as necessary to protect against the coronavirus pandemic. Communities of color are most often burdened by these challenges.

Announcement Nick Gray

Join Your Favorite Tour Guide on a Virtual Journey of a Sierra Watershed
Aug. 6 Headwaters Tour includes exclusive screening and live Q&A with scientists, water managers and others

Our water tours are lauded because they are both fun and educational. You can still experience both Aug. 6 when your favorite tour guide Nick Gray takes you on a virtual journey across a Sierra watershed during our Headwaters Tour.


Registration Open for Virtual Journey of Sierra Watershed
Join us Aug. 6 for an exclusive screening and live Q&A with scientists, water managers and others

The American River Registration is now open for our virtual Headwaters Tour with an exclusive screening of a video that takes viewers on a journey across the upper watershed of a major Sierra-fed river to learn the important role forests play in California’s water supply.

You’ll go to the crest of the Sierras to learn how the state measures snowpack, to a meadow restoration deep in the forest and along the American River in the foothills where water is diverted for homes. 


Follow Us on New Instagram Page, Other Social Media Channels
Posts keep you up-to-date on water news, events and issues critical to water in California and across the West

Instagram iconFollow us on social media channels, including a just-launched Instagram page to learn about issues key to understanding water and what the Water Education Foundation is up to.

We regularly post on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Now we are hosting an Instagram page to cast a wider net in our efforts to educate the public about critical water resource information.