

Foundation News

Find out what the Water Education Foundation is up to with announcements about upcoming events, tours, new Western Water articles on key water topics and more! 

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Our 2022 Annual Report is Hot off the Press!
As COVID eased, the Foundation revved up and expanded programs across the West

2022 Annual Report coverThe Water Education Foundation’s just-released 2022 Annual Report recaps how we returned to hosting in-person events and tours and expanded our programs across the West as the global pandemic began to wane early in the year.


Explore Sierra Water Issues Firsthand on Headwaters Tour in June
Optional Pre-Tour Whitewater Rafting Trip Available

Our Headwaters Tour on June 21-22 returns in person for the first time in four years and seats are filling up quickly! Don’t miss your chance to venture from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada to Lake Tahoe to examine water issues happening upstream that can dramatically affect communities downstream and throughout the state.


Water Education Foundation Tops Fundraising Goal
Thanks to all of our supporters!!!

Big Day of Giving logoThe Water Education Foundation’s Board of Directors and staff want to thank the dozens of donors in the water community and beyond for their strong show of support on the May 4 Big Day of Giving. We surpassed our $10,000 campaign goal with a total of $11,092 in contributions in the 24-hour regional fundraising event.

Special thanks to alumni of our Water Leaders programs for drumming up support and chipping in.


Big Day of Giving is here! Make a BIG Splash for Water Education with a Donation
And join us today from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. for our open house

Today is Big Day of Giving, and your donation can help the Water Education Foundation continue its work to enhance public understanding about water in California and across the West.

Big Day of Giving is a 24-hour regional fundraising event that has profound benefits for our programs and publications that educate about hot topics in water, such as drought, floods, groundwater, headwaters and more in California and the Colorado River Basin.

BDOG logo

Support Your Favorite Water Nonprofit Today on Big Day of Giving!

On Big Day of Giving, you can show your love by helping the Water Education Foundation continue to be a go-to resource for in-depth, impartial information about water in California and the West.

We are midway through Big Day of Giving, a 24-hour regional fundraising event that benefits our programs to educate about floods, drought, groundwater, climate change and more. 


Tomorrow is Big Day of Giving!
Support Your Favorite Water Nonprofit

Tomorrow is Big Day of Giving, a 24-hour regional fundraising event that has profound benefits for our water programs across California and the West.

You can schedule your donation on our campaign page today or give at any time tomorrow and watch us reach our $10,000 goal in real-time.


There’s Still Time to Support Your Favorite Water Nonprofit on Big Day of Giving
You have until midnight to give a tax-deductible donation

Big Day of Giving is nearly over but you still have until midnight to show your love for the Water Education Foundation’s events, publications and programs with a donation to our campaign page.

Image shows participants on our Bay-Delta Tour at Suisun Marsh.

Seating Limited for Spring Tours; Meet our Team at Open House; Push to Protect Upper Colorado River Interests Examined

Don’t miss your opportunity to put your feet on the ground this spring in regions critical to California’s water story. Plus, you can meet our team in person at our annual open house to learn more about how we educate and foster understanding of California’s most precious natural resource — water! And check out our latest Western Water news article that explores how states in the upper watershed of the Colorado River are trying to strengthen their negotiating position as severe water cuts loom amid shrinking reservoirs and persistent drought. 


Early ‘Big Day of Giving’ Begins Today!
Schedule your donation to support our water tours, publications and more; Attend our open house May 4

Images shows Big Day of Giving logoThere is no need to wait to show your love for the Water Education Foundation! Starting today you can schedule your donation for Big Day of Giving on our campaign page. If you prefer the thrill of watching us reach our $10,000 goal in real time you can donate any time on May 4.

Big Day of Giving is a 24-hour online giving marathon for nonprofits in the Sacramento region where we are based. However, while Big Day of Giving is region-focused, our campaign will benefit our programs and publications across California and the West.


Explore the Heart of California Water Next Month on Bay-Delta Tour; Registration Now Open for June Headwaters Tour
Optional Pre-Tour Whitewater Rafting Trip Offered with Sierra Nevada Journey

Don’t miss your chance to go deep into California’s water hub next month with our most popular annual tour, the Bay-Delta Tour May 17-19! Plus, registration is now open for the return of our Headwaters Tour June 21-22, with an optional rafting trip on the American River the day before.

See below for more details on both spring tours.


Join Our Once-A-Year Bay-Delta Tour; Meet our Team at an Open House; Registration Coming Soon for Headwaters Tour
Optional Rafting Trip Offered with June Headwaters Tour

Spring is a busy time at the Foundation! Don’t miss these upcoming opportunities to visit important regions in the state’s water story firsthand and engage directly with experts in California water. Plus, you can meet our team in person at our annual open house to learn more about how we educate and foster understanding of California’s most precious natural resource — water!


Former Director for Reclamation’s Lower Colorado River Region Elected Board President of Water Education Foundation
Terry Fulp Played Lead Role in Negotiating Drought Contingency Plans, Operating Guidelines and Binational Agreements

Terry FulpSACRAMENTO, Calif. – Terry Fulp, who served as the Bureau of Reclamation’s regional director for the Lower Colorado River Basin and played a lead role in negotiating drought contingency plans, operating guidelines and binational agreements with Mexico, was elected president of the Water Education Foundation’s board of directors.


Bay-Delta Tour is a Once-a-Year, Don’t-Miss Opportunity to Explore California’s Vital Water Hub May 17-19
Hear diverse views & go behind the scenes on our popular tour of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta & San Francisco Bay

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is the West Coast’s largest estuary, a vital hub in California’s complex water delivery system and a rich farming area. But the region faces myriad challenges. 

On our annual Bay-Delta Tour May 17-19, participants will hear from a diverse group of experts including water managers, environmentalists, farmers, engineers and scientists who will offer various perspectives on a proposed tunnel project that would carry water beneath the Delta, efforts to revitalize the Delta and risks that threaten its delicate ecological balance. You’ll also hear firsthand from people who rely on the Pacific salmon fishery for their livelihoods and learn why there is likely to be a fishing ban this season despite one of the wettest winters on record in California.


Explore Breadth & Depth of the ‘Nation’s Breadbasket’ on the Central Valley Tour April 26-28
Our Journey Across the San Joaquin Valley Proceeding as Planned - Only a Few Seats Remain!

California’s climate whiplash has been on full display in the San Joaquin Valley this winter as the region has shifted from managing three years of drought impacts to enduring widespread flooding following a series of intense atmospheric rivers. Our Central Valley Tour at the end of April is your best opportunity to understand both the challenges and opportunities of water management in the region.

The 3-day, 2-night tour tour weaves around and across the entire valley to give you a firsthand look at farms, wetlands and major infrastructure such as Friant Dam in the Sierra Nevada foothills near Fresno and San Luis Reservoir in the Coastal Range near Los Banos, the nation’s largest off-stream reservoir and a key water facility serving both the State Water Project and the federal Central Valley Project.

Speakers on our Central Valley Tour as they appear on the tour video.

Last Chance to Register for Thursday’s Central Valley Tour; Join Online Q&A for 2022 Water Leader Apps
Foundation's Fall Programming Wraps Up Next Tuesday with Virtual Headwaters Tour

As the year comes to a close, so does our schedule of educational programming with just two more virtual journeys remaining this Thursday and next Tuesday. And don’t miss your chance this Thursday to learn more about applying for our 2022 Water Leaders program, now in its 25th year.

You still have an opportunity to experience the Foundation’s remaining virtual journeys this fall (see below) as your favorite tour guide Nick Gray whisks you away to explore key California rivers and water regions. Each tour will run from 2:30-5:30 p.m. PT and includes:

  • An overview presentation of the region’s critical topics
  • A guided video tour of key locations — farms, wetlands, dams and reservoirs, wildlife habitats — to gain a stronger understanding on a variety of water supply issues and the latest policy developments
  • Live Q&A with experts in chat rooms so participants can dive deeper into the topics, including the drought gripping California.

RSVP for Our Annual Open House on May 4th
Meet our team & learn about tours, events, publications, teacher training workshops & leadership programs for up-and-coming water professionals

Join us May 4 for our annual Open House & Reception at our office near the Sacramento River to meet our team and learn more about what we do to educate and foster understanding of California’s most precious natural resource — water!


Join Us for a Journey through the Bay-Delta in May
Get a firsthand look at California's vital water hub and hear directly from experts on key issues affecting the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Register today for our most popular tour, the Bay-Delta Tour May 17-19, and join us as we venture into the most critical and controversial water region in California, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

The 720,000-acre network of islands and channels supports the state’s two large water systems – the State Water Project and the federal Central Valley Project – and together with the San Francisco Bay is an important ecological resource.

You’ll learn firsthand how the drought-to-deluge of 2023 has affected the water quality and supply that serves local farms, cities and habitat. Much of the water heads south via canals and aqueducts to provide drinking water for more than 27 million Californians and irrigation to about 3 million acres of farmland that helps feed the nation.


Explore Drought-to-Deluge Impacts & Opportunities on Central Valley Tour
Act Soon, Our April 26-28 Journey Across the San Joaquin Valley is Nearly Sold Out!

The feast or famine nature of California water has never been more apparent than now. After three years of punishing drought, the state has been slammed by a dozen atmospheric rivers.

On our Central Valley Tour next month, you will see the ramifications of this nature in action. Focusing on the San Joaquin Valley, the tour will bring you up close to farmers, cities and disadvantaged communities as well as managers trying to capture flood waters to augment overpumped groundwater basins while also protecting communities from damaging flood impacts.


Latest Western Water Article Examines California’s Groundbreaking Effort to Look for Microplastics in Drinking Water Supplies
On World Water Day, learn about additional resources available on water in California and across the West

Photo shows bits of plastic at the bottom of a laboratory jar. Tiny pieces of plastic shed from food wrappers, grocery bags, clothing, cigarette butts, tires and paint are invading the environment and every facet of daily life. Researchers know the plastic particles have even made it into municipal water supplies, but very little data exists about the scope of microplastic contamination in drinking water. 

After years of planning, California is embarking on a first-of-its-kind data-gathering mission to illuminate how prevalent microplastics are in the state’s largest drinking water sources. The latest Western Water article by our journalism team explores California’s groundbreaking program that could help regulators determine whether microplastics are a public health threat and lead to the world’s first standard for microplastics in drinking water. 


Save the Date! Our Annual Open House is on May 4th
Meet our team and learn about water tours, events and publications exploring hot topics in water, teacher training workshops and leadership programs for up-and-coming professionals

Join us May 4 for an open house and reception at our office near the Sacramento River to meet our team and learn more about what we do to educate and foster understanding of California’s most precious natural resource — water.

At the open house, you can enjoy refreshments and chat with our team about our tours, conferences, maps, publications and training programs for teachers and up-and-coming water industry professionals. You’ll also be able to learn more about how you can support our work – and you’ll have a chance to win prizes!